31 Define late binding and determine where late binding is supported Expanding recipient list from logical EPR? Late binding refers to delaying the resolution of logical EPR to physical EPR. That operation has been moved to the advanced infod specs document. FYI: workaround for based infod specs is to support a list of physical EPRs. Similar to existing WSN support. - Date: 21 Jul 2005 - Owner: Shailendra, Cecile - Target date: Not in base spec 43 Describe the two approaches: (1) Re-pacakaging a message at each hop in a new header (2) Removing the header and adding a new appropriate message header after transformation The following should be incorporated by Cecile into the spec which is currently locked. Since the get data call returns just the body of the message. In my understanding we need another call: getMsgInfo,+which will return an opaque message metadata back to the client. The client can call getAttribute on this opaque data to get the necessary info. Similiarly the publish call needs to take this opaque data as an Argument which can be populated through setAttribute call. The getAttribute, setAttribute operate on a descriptor and one of the ways we populate them is as under: SetAttribute(MsgDesc, MsgPropertyNm, MsgPropertyVal); GetAttribute(MsgDesc, MsgPropertyNm, MsgPropertyVal); Cecile is not happy with this yet End-users who want to implement non-repudiation checks need to be able to access the manifest section of the message, at Consume time. So this is a consumer operation. Issues like authorization to view the manifest, maybe decoding/ decrypting need to be considered. For now though, we give the raw message to the Consume operation, as described in 3.9.1 of the specs (v12). So delay the delivery of these new operations to the 'advanced infod specs', which will also include the getData operation, so will address both getting (pulling) data and getting (pulling) metadata. - Date 3 Oct 2005 - Owner: Shailendra, Cecile - Target: 20 Oct 2005 48 Define sequence number,operationalCharacteristics more clearly The following should be incorporated by Cecile into the spec which is currently locked: Sequence no is used to group messages based on message/selector attributes. The publish and getData api needs to enhanced substantialy to handle grouped messages. Here is an example: Consider a set of messages which need to be Grouped together: We call begin_group() which establishes the group context. Now call publish() once for each message in the group. Call end_group(). The Api?s implicitly associate sequence no. for each message in the group. Now on the get side: Call get_first_group() which establishes the message group context. Call get first message using the group context. Now call get_next message until all messages in a group are exhausted. Now call get_next_group and so on. This allows a user to manipulate a group of messages. Then it will be DONE Something we need to spec as this is a differentiator from base notifications, however doesn't belong in base infod specs (grouping messages' concept). So needs a place-holder to describe in the 'advanced INFOD specs'. - Date 3 Oct 2005 - Owner: Shailendra, Cecile - Target: 31 Oct 2005