INFOD-WG 8 Jun 2004 14:00 to 15:30 There were about 30 present. Their attention was drawn to the GGF IP policy. Susan Malaika introduced the agenda and explained that we are now approved as a working group and that this was therefore the first meeting of that group. We have to understand the link between INFOD and a number of other activities and standards. For example can we build on top of WSN? There are also obvious links to the OGSA-WG data and information services work. Norman Paton explained that INFOD originated in the DAIS-WG as they realised that flexible data delivery and 3rd party delivery were major issues which did not fit well under the DAIS umbrella. Concerning the scope of INFOD it was stated that INFOD does not concern itself with data transport. At GGF10 it was thought that there may be a link with the OREP-WG however this no longer appears to be the case. Dieter Gawlick then presented his view on the scope of INFOD. It was based on a previous presentation at GGF10. David Martin asked if communication was outside the scope of INFOD. Dieter replied that we must know that communication has occurred and know the properties of the communication channel. Dieter explained that WS-NF was not adequate to generate a notification when a fish is more than 3 days old. Evaluation of use cases is necessary to understand the limitations of the classical pub/sub. We need rules which are able to watch the evolution of information. In response to a query, Dieter explained that the publisher (which will probably be renamed producer) is assumed to have an SQL query engine. A concern was expressed that the query engine would need to be able to process temporal queries. Somebody then stated that as 90% of the data in the world is unstructured, INFOD was much too RDBMS oriented. A fear was expressed that it was a big step from what people are used to. David Martin said that the spec would have to carefully distinguish between the "musts" and the "shoulds" and the "mays". Norman Paton however said that if the infrastructure could only be relied upon to deliver the "musts" the rest of the spec was not of much use. There was then a brief discussion of how this might fit info WS-NF and whether or not it could be layered on top of WS-NF. It became clear that the scope of INFOD needs defining very carefully. Susan Malaika then showed the next steps: a pair of draft documents by GGF12. Work must start on the use cases immediately. Susan reminded us that the next conference call will be 2 weeks on Friday and will be announced to the mailing list. Steve Fisher