INFOD Current Actions ===================== This is a list of current actions. Each action has a serial number, once it is closed it is moved to a companion document of closed actions. ============================================================================== 22 Produce a plan for at least two implementations - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: - target date: F2F Susuan has sent a document about ref implementations - the relevant parts should be represented at the F2F by Steve or Susan Arjun, Ronny and Dieter to work on it 97 getMetaData of the spec is too vague More information will be added Consider more specific operations - Date: 19 Jan 2006 - Owner: Dieter - Target: 11 May 2006 103 Add all steps into use cases and add actual messages for calls into an appendix with some of them as examples in the body of the doc. - Date: 12 Feb 2006 - Owner: Roney, Dieter, Arjun, Stephen - Target: 11 May 2006 106 Find better name for CreateVocabularyInstance - Date: 12 Feb 2006 - Owner: Steve and Stephen and Ronny - Target: F2F Steve suggests Property Values - but Ronny doesn't like it 109 Define dependency diagram for INFOD steps - Date: 12 Feb 2006 - Owner: Ronny and Steve - Target: 11 May 2006 111 Provide example of metadata subscription - Date: 30 Mar 2006 - Owner: Dieter - Target: 11 May 2006 114 Bring the Stephen/Ronny slides used at last GGF uptodate They should then moved to current drafts as a working document - Date: 30 Mar 2006 - Owner: Ronny - Target: F2F 115 Remove any reference to vocabulary versions from spec - Date: 27 Apr 2006 - Owner: Ronny (and Steve should check chapter 1) - Target: 11 May 2006 116 Describe message body for meta-data - Date: 27 Apr 2006 - Owner: Arjun and Dieter - Target: F2F 117 Remove explicit dependency upon SOAP in chapter 2 our text should not say "... using the SOAP v1.1. Base Fault Spec", but should perhaps say "... using WS-BaseFaults". Then should clearly mark any SOAP stuff as "SOAP Examples". - Date 4 May 2006 - Owner: Ronny - Target: 11 May 2006 118 Remove 2 optional association fields for property constraints of the association and for policy of the association. - Date 4 May 2006 - Owner: Steve for Chapter 1 and Ronny for Chapter 2 - Target: 11 May 2006 119 Execution mode "FORCE" to be redefined This should cause any entry in the registry referencing the object to be dropped. This is of course recursive. If we don't do this we allow an inconsistent state to be exposed. I have currently described it incorreclty in chapter 1 as I have only considered the "IF UNUSED" case. - Date 4 May 2006 - Owner: Steve for Chapter 1 and Ronny for Chapter 2 - Target: 11 May 2006 120 Clarify use of WSN in chapter 1 WSN only to be used for notification type messages - Date 4 May 2006 - Owner: Steve - Target: 11 May 2006 121