INFOD Current Actions ===================== This is a list of current actions. Each action has a serial number, once it is closed it is moved to a companion document of closed actions. ============================================================================== 22 Produce a plan for at least two implementations - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: - target date: GGF16 This may be hard to do - Arjun Dieter will send a document about ref implementations 64 Complete the object model for INFOD and place on gridforge This is to help with XML generation, to understand what we are talking about in the use cases, to cross check the interfaces in the use cases - Date: 8 Dec 2005 - Owner: Stephen and Chris - Target: 22 Dec 2005 Nothing happened yet - will be a while yet - F2F at GGF16? 76 Review register vocabulary and version issues - Date: 8 Dec 2005 - Owner: Cecile, Arjun and Dieter - Target: GGF16 97 getMetaData - 3.8 of the spec is too vague More information will be added Consider more specific operations - Date: 19 Jan 2006 - Owner: Dieter, Cecile - Target: GGF16 99 Reconcile the appendix with the calls in the document relating to the message structure - Date: 26 Jan 2006 - Owner: Cecile, Arjun, Shailendra - Target: 100 Need to add a consumeMetadata interface Consider use of WSN (OGSA Base profile???!!*) - Date: 26 Jan 2006 - Owner: Cecile, Arjun and Dieter - Target: Feb 28 2006 101 Modify interfaces from notes of 11 Feb - Date: 12 Feb 2006 - Owner: Roney - Target: 18 Mar 2006 102 Redo chapter 2 of spec - Date: 12 Feb 2006 - Owner: Steve - Target: 12 Mar 2006 103 Add all steps into use cases and add actual messages for calls into an appendix with some of them as examples in the body of the doc. - Date: 12 Feb 2006 - Owner: Roney, Dieter, Arjun, Stephen, Susan (to stick it together) - Target: 5 April 2006 104 Consider Rational Software Architect (ex-Rose) - Date: 12 Feb 2006 - Owner: Chris - Target: 12 Feb 2006 DONE! 105 Must all "things" in INFOD be web services if we are to use WSA? Note that in WSN the NotificationProducer must be a WS - Date: 12 Feb 2006 - Owner: Susan - Target: 23 Feb 2006 106 Find better name for CreateVocabularyInstance - Date: 12 Feb 2006 - Owner: Steve and Stephen - Target: 16 Feb 2006 107 Define a simpler message structure - Date: 12 Feb 2006 - Owner: Arjun and Shailendra - Target: 108 Define "plugin" interface - i.e. we don't use plugin but WS - Date: 12 Feb 2006 - Owner: Dieter - Target: 5 Mar 2006 109 Define dependency diagram for INFOD steps - Date: 12 Feb 2006 - Owner: Ronny - Target: 18 Mar 2006