This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/9573?download= at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 16:15:55 GMT GridForge Admin FAQs GridForge User FAQ’s

How do I obtain a GridForge login?
How do I join a group project?
Where can I go to see a summary of my projects and the trackers or document releases that I am monitoring?
How do I find and download documents?
How do I submit a document?
How do I view a tracker?
How do I monitor a tracker item?
How do I filter tracker items so that I am seeing only those items I wish to see?
How do I view a document that has been published within a project?
How do I find the project forums?
How do I participate in a forum?
How do I find a project?
How do I search for a person with a GridForge login?
How do I search for documents?

General GridForge/GGF Questions

How do I submit a draft to the GGF Editor for review?
Where do I find a document that is available for public comment?
Where do I find the final GGF document set?
What is the standard GGF document process?
How can I participate in a group’s GridForge project?
Where can I find meeting minutes for a group?
How can I access a draft document that has not yet been submitted to the GGF Editor?
Where can I find out more about the GGF areas and existing groups?

How do I obtain a GridForge login?

Browse to and select the “Create New Account” link in the top right of the page. Fill out the form and press the “Register” button. You will receive a confirmation email at the account provided in the form. Press the confirmation URL in the message and you will be officially registered. Remember your login name as it will be required to join a GridForge project.

How do I join a group project?

First, you must have a GridForge login and password. Follow the directions to obtain a login in these FAQs. Once you have a valid login, you can navigate to the project you wish to join and press the "Request Project Membership" link on the project's front page. Fill out the form and submit it. You will be added to the project, but will not have any permissions until the project administrator gives you a role.

Where can I go to see a summary of my projects and the trackers or document releases that I am monitoring?

When you initially login to GridForge, you are presented your “My Page”. This page shows you all the projects to which you belong as well as any trackers, forums, or file releases you may be monitoring. The “My Page” link is always available at the top of any GridForge page.

How do I find and download documents?

The first question to answer is, “What sort of document am I looking for?” If you are looking for GGF documents (draft or final), then you must visit the Editor project and click on the Document Manager link. Otherwise, you must determine in what project the desired document resides. Typically, group drafts are in the Document Manager of the group’s project. So, to find the latest draft of the OGSI working group, use the search feature (top right of any page) selecting “Projects” from the drop-down and “ogsi-wg” for the search criteria.. This should result in a clickable link to the project. Once in the project, you can go into document manager and navigate to the document you wish to view. Selecting the title of the document will initiate the download procedure.

How do I submit a document?

First, you must decide into which project you will submit the document. If the document is for a working or research group, then navigate to the appropriate project. Once in the project and assuming you have the appropriate role to do so, submit a document by selecting the “Submit” link under Document Manager on the left nav bar. Once the submit document form appears, you first browse and select the document you wish to submit. Note that you may also paste non-binary document text into the Paste Document pane on the form and not use the browse feature. Next select the type of document (PDF, DOC, etc.). Take care that there is not a mismatch in the type of document as this will result in an error. Next, fill in the document title (mandatory) and description. Leave the Paste Document pane empty if you have browsed and selected a document. Select the access type, category (folder) into which the document will be placed, and the language of the document. Do not select the Lock check box. You may select the check box for review, however you document will not be available until the review is completed. Take care to read the Acceptable Document Usage information and checking its check box (mandatory). After the form has been fully filled in, press the “Add File” button. Note that if you successfully submitted the document, a URL for the document will be presented at the top of the form. If this URL is not present, you will likely have an error message (in red) toward the top of the form indicating something did not submit correctly and you must repeat the process.

How do I view a tracker?

Navigate to the project containing the tracker you wish to view and expand the tracker list on your left nav bar (by selecting the little triangle next to the Track It link. Select the tracker you wish to view and a list of items will be displayed.

How do I monitor a tracker item?

Navigate to the project containing the tracker you wish to monitor and expand the tracker list on your left nav bar. Select the tracker and a list of items will be displayed. Click on the item of interest and when the tracker item page appears, click the “Monitor Selected” button on the bottom of the page.

How do I create a tracker item?

Navigate to the project containing the tracker into which you wish to create a tracker item. Expand the tracker list on the left nav bar and press the Submit link immediately below the tracker name. Fill out the form and press the “Save” button at the bottom of the form.

How do I filter tracker items so that I am seeing only those items I wish to see?

In a long list of tracker items, it is advantageous to create a filter so that only the pertinent items are displayed. For example, one could set up a filter to view only those items with an “open” status. To set up a filter, navigate to the tracker item list by selecting the Tracker name in the left nav bar of the project. At the top of the form are several drop downs that allow you to filter your items by various criteria. Select the criteria and press the “Filter” button. Note that the filter remains in place in subsequent visits until you press the “Reset Filter” button.

How do I view a document that has been published within a project?

Most groups use the Document Manager tool to submit and manage their documents. Select the Document Manager link on the left Nav bar and browse the category structure to find the document you wish to view.

How do I find the project forums?

Navigate to the project containing the forum you wish to view. Select the Forums link in the left nav bar. This results in a listing of various forums within the project.

How do I participate in a forum?

Depending on what role you have been assigned and how the project administrator has set up the forum, you can participate in a forum by simply navigating to the project containing the forum, expanding the Forum list in the left nav bar, and clicking on the forum in which you wish to participate. Find a message that you wish to reply to or you may start a new thread. Make sure you are logged in because many forums do not allow anonymous posting.

How do I find a project?

GridForge has two methods of finding a project. The first method is using the search mechanism at the top of any GridForge page. In the GGF implementation, you would typically select “Projects” from the first drop down, type in some portion of the name (preferably the GGF short name like ogsi-wg), and press “Go”. A list of results is returned and you can scroll down to find the project you are looking for (note: you may have to go to a second or third page).
If the search method does not work, you can go to the GGF GridForge Site Map located under the Global Grid Forum GridForge Directories link on the left nav bar. Once at the site map, you can browse by Type (e.g., WG, RG), Area (by selecting the GGF Areas link under Browse by) or by Process and Management (by selecting the link under the Browse by heading). Browsing these trove lists should result in finding the project you are looking for.

How do I search for a person with a GridForge login?

Using the search mechanism at the top of any GridForge page, select “People” from the first search drop down then type in the name of the person you are looking for and press “Go”. A list of “hits” will be returned.

General Gridforge Processes

How do I submit a draft to the GGF Editor for review?

When GGF documents have gained consensus within a working group or research group, then the draft document may be submitted to the GGF Editor for review and processing. Assuming the draft has all the prescribed components ( then submit the draft using the following form: Carefully read the directions and fill out the form, attaching the draft (in an acceptable format) and press “Save”.

Where do I find a document that is available for public comment?

Currently, GGF is listing their public comment documents on ( Browse to that site to view documents in the public comment period.

Where do I find the final GGF document set?

Currently, the final document set is found at: Note that there are multiple pages of documents and subsequent pages can be viewed by pressing the forward arrow link toward the bottom of each page.

What is the standard GGF document process?

The GGF website contains a process overview ( which references GFD.1, the GGF document that provides the details of the process. Portions of the process, both public and administrative, have been automated by the GridForge tools.

How can I participate in a group’s GridForge project?

See the above directions on becoming a member of a GridForge project.

Where can I find meeting minutes for a group?

Groups may post their meeting minutes in different ways. The two practices most used are managing minutes using Document Manager and using a Forum thread for each meeting. In either case, navigate to the project and use those two tools to determine where the group posts their minutes. Many groups may also have a link on their project front page that points directly to their minutes.

How can I access a draft document that has not yet been submitted to the GGF Editor?

Typically, draft documents not yet submitted to the GGF Editor still reside in the group’s project. Navigate to the group’s project, select the Document Manager link on the left nav bar and explore the categories as you would any file system. Look for a category entitled "Drafts" or "Draft Documents"..

Where can I find out more about the GGF areas and existing groups?

You can browse the GGF GridForge Site Map (
Once at the site map, you can browse by Area by selecting the “GGF Areas” link under the Browse by heading. Each Area will have a listing of Projects its working and research groups.


This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/9573?download= at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 16:15:55 GMT