GridForge Project Administrator FAQ’s

How do I become the administrator of my project?
How do I manage project options (e.g., turn on/off tools available within a project)?
How do I view a project audit log?
How do I add a new member to my group?
How do I manage member roles?
How do I give an existing member administrative rights to my project
How do I update the project “front page”?
How do I add folders and subfolders in the document manager?
How can I delete/hide a folder or subfolder (category)?
How do I submit a document?
How do I delete or hide a submitted document?
How do I move a document?
How do I lock or unlock a submitted document?
How do I manage/limit who can see a submitted document?
How do I add a tracker?
How do I manage tracker options such as days until considered overdue, expiration, email addresses, canned responses, and field value lists?
How do I create a package for file publishing?
How do I hide/unhide a package?
How do I publish a file?
How do I create a forum?
How do I change the preferences of a forum (e.g., turn off anonymous posting, etc.)?
How do I make a forum private or delete a forum?
How do I delete a message within a forum?

How do I become the administrator of my project?

A GGF site administrator must grant you the role of project administrator manually. Submit a request to the site administrator using the following tracker: Make sure you are logged in prior to submitting the tracker item. Alternatively, if your project already has a project administrator, that person may also grant you the role of project administator.

How do I manage project options (e.g., turn on/off tools available within a project)?

Press the “Edit Project Info” link (in left nav bar under Admin) and toward the bottom of the resulting page, you will find a list of Active Features (i.e., tools). Simply select the tools you wish to use or not use and press the Update button. Note that mailing lists and SCM are not currently supported in the GridForge implementation.

How do I view a project audit log?

The project audit log gives you the ability to see the changes that have been made to the project and the user who made them. Underneath the Admin link on the left nav bar, a link for Audit Log is available for project administrators. Press this link to view the project audit log.

How do I add a new member to my group?

Adding members is a three step process. First the individual must obtain a login by registering with GridForge (link on front page). During this process, the user will obtain a login name (also known as a “short name”). Next the project administrator navigates to the Project Administration Summary page by clicking the Admin Project link on the left nav bar. On the top right of this page, the Add Member pane offers a text box into which an administrator can type the login name of the user to be added and press “Add”. If the login name is a valid GridForge user, then the user is added to the membership. The third step is to assign a role to the new member. Normally, new members are assigned the role of GGF-Project-Member. This is done by pressing the “Edit Member Permissions” link at the bottom of the member listing. On the subsequent page, a list of the four roles is presented and a link “Edit User Assignments”. Press the link that is next to the role you wish to grant to the new member. A page is displayed showing a listing of the project members. To grant the role to the new member, simply check the check box next to the new member and press Update. The same can be done for other roles such as GGF-Project-Admin or GGF-Site-Sign-in.

How do I manage member roles?

Administrators may change the role of project members at any time. To change a member’s role, navigate to the Project Administration Summary page by clicking the Admin Project link on the left nav bar. Next, press the “Edit Member Permissions” link at the bottom of the member listing. On the subsequent page, a list of the four roles is presented and with definitions of each. After determining which role you wish to grant to the member, press the link entitled “View Assigned Roles for Members” and you will be presented a list of the members. Click the member’s name whose role you wish to change. Select and deselect the appropriate role(s) and press Save.

How do I give an existing member administrative rights to my project?

To change a member’s role to Administor, navigate to the Project Administration Summary page by clicking the Admin Project link on the left nav bar. Next, press the “Edit Member Permissions” link at the bottom of the member listing. On the subsequent page press the link entitled “View Assigned Roles for Members” and you will be presented a list of the members. Click the member’s name whose role you wish to change. Select the checkbox next to GGF-Project-Admin, deselect the other role(s) and press Save.

How do I update the project “front page”?

On the left nav bar under “Admin”, press the link entitled “Project Info.” You will be presented a page with a Description pane containing the html code for the front page. This can easily be cut out and pasted into an html editor of your choice (for more wholesale changes) or one can make the changes to the code in the pane. Once the changes have been made (either by pasting back the updated code from your editor or by making the change directly in the pane), press the Update button at the bottom of the page.

How do I add folders and subfolders in the document manager?

Folders and subfolders are called categories in GridForge. To add a category, press the Doc Manager link on the left nav bar under Admin. The resulting page will have a series of panes, each of which serves a different purpose. To add a new category, use the top pane. Type the name of the new category, then select the parent category into which the new category will be created. In the current GridForge implementation, the category entitled “Global Grid Forum” would be considered your “root” category. Selecting a different category as the parent will result in a sub-folder being created with the name specified. After providing the category name and selecting the parent category, press the “Add Category” button.

How can I delete/hide a folder or subfolder (category)?

To delete or hide a folder, press the Document Manager link on the left nav bar. Once the folder “tree” displays, navigate to the folder you wish to delete or hide. Click on the “Edit” link next to the folder you wish to delete or hide. Once the edit category page appears, you may select the status you wish, either hidden or deleted. Note that changing the status of a folder to deleted also results in deleting the documents contained in the folder.

How do I submit a document?

To submit a document to a project, you select the “Submit” link under Document Manager in the left nav bar. Once the submit document form appears, you first browse and select the document you wish to submit. Note that you may also paste non-binary document text into the Paste Document pane on the form and not use the browse feature. Next select the type of document (PDF, DOC, etc.). Take care that there is not a mismatch in the type of document as this will result in an error. Next, fill in the document title (mandatory) and description. Leave the Paste Document pane empty if you have browsed and selected a document. Select the access type, category (folder) into which the document will be placed, and the language of the document. Select the appropriate check boxes for locking and reviewing (by administrator only!), and take care to read the Acceptable Document Usage information and check its check box (mandatory). After the form has been fully filled in, press the “Add File” button. Note that if you successfully submitted the document, a URL for the document will be presented at the top of the form. If this URL is not present, you will likely have an error message (in red) toward the top of the form indicating something did not submit correctly and you must repeat the process.

How do I delete or hide a submitted document?

To delete or hide a document, use Document Manager to navigate to the document and press the link associated to its title. When the document form appears, press the “Edit” button at the bottom of the form. To delete or hide the document, select the appropriate Status from the drop-down and press the Update Document button at the bottom of the page.

How do I move a document?

To move a document, use Document Manager to navigate to the document and press the link associated to its title. When the document form appears, press the “Move” button at the bottom of the form. Select the target category (folder) to which the document is to be moved and press the Move Document button. Note that prior to moving a locked document, you must unlock it.

How do I lock or unlock a submitted document?

To unlock a document, use Document Manager to navigate to the document and press the link associated to its title. When the document form appears, press the “Edit” button at the bottom of the form. To lock the document, select the Lock check box toward the middle of the form and press the Update Document button at the bottom of the page. To unlock, simply deselect the Lock check box and press the Update Document button.

How do I manage/limit who can see a submitted document?

Each submitted document is given an Access Type which dictates what role is required to view or edit the document. To change this Access Type, use Document Manager to navigate to the document and press the link associated to its title. When the document form appears, press the “Edit” button at the bottom of the form. Select the appropriate role from the Access Type drop-down and press the Update Document button at the bottom of the page.

How do I add a tracker?

Press the Tracker Admin link in the left nav bar (under Admin). Fill out the form and press the Submit button at the bottom. Note that you may place HTML in both the “Submit” and “Browse” panes for better formatting of the forms.

How do I manage tracker options such as days until considered overdue, expiration, email addresses, canned responses, and field value lists?

Press the Tracker Admin link in the left nav bar (under Admin). Select the link associated to the name of the tracker to be updated. Select the link representing the tracker options you wish to change (e.g., Update Preferences). Update the tracker options and press the “Submit” button at the bottom.

How do I create a package for file publishing?

Press the File Publisher Admin link on the left nav bar (under Admin). Click the Create New Code Package link, fill out the name and status, and press the “Create” button.

How do I hide/unhide a package?

Press the File Publisher Admin link on the left nav bar (under Admin). Click on the title of the Package to be updated. Select the appropriate Status from the drop-down and press the Update button.

How do I publish a file?

In order to publish a file (e.g., a near-complete draft GGF document), you must first create a package into which the file will be placed. After creating a package, navigate to the package by pressing File Publish Admin on the left nav bar (under Admin). Click on the package into which the file will be placed. Fill out the form, browse to the file to be published and when complete, press the Create Release button.

How do I create a forum?

Press the Forum Admin link on the left nav bar (under Admin). Select the “Add Forum” link and fill out the resulting form, pressing the “Add this forum” button when complete.

How do I change the preferences of a forum (e.g., turn off anonymous posting, etc.)?

Press the Forum Admin link on the left nav bar (under Admin). Select the “Update Forum Info/Status” link. Find the Forum you wish to change, make the desired changes and press the “Update Info” button next to the forum being updated..

How do I make a forum private or delete a forum?
Press the Forum Admin link on the left nav bar (under Admin). Select the “Update Forum Info/Status” link. Find the Forum you wish to change. To make a forum private, select the “No” radio button under the Public heading and press “Update Info”. To delete the Forum, select the “deleted” radio button under the Public heading and press the “Update Info” button next to the forum being updated.

How do I delete a message within a forum?

First, you must retrieve the message id to be deleted. Navigate to the forum message to be deleted and click on the Subject link (not reply). This will display the message and the message id should be seen on the line after the Date line. Once you have the message id, press the Forum Admin link on the left nav bar (under Admin). Select the “Delete Message” link, insert the message id, and press the “Submit” button.