Charter v.1.4 Grid Checkpoint Recovery Working Group (GridCPR) February 14, 2005 Derek Simmel Paul Stodghill Thilo Kielmann Nathan Stone Niraj Srivastava [5.3.1] Administrative: [] Group Name: Grid Checkpoint Recovery Working Group Group Acronym: GridCPR [] Chairs: Derek Simmel Paul Stodghill (Additional founding participants) (Emeritus Chair) Thilo Kielmann Nathan Stone J. Ray Scott Massimo Sgaravatto Tom Goodale Ignacio M. Llorente M. Rubens Jim Smith H. J. Kim Connor Park Nam Yoon Woo Seung Hun An Douglas Thain [] Secretary: Niraj Srivastava [] Mailing List: Subscribe via Searchable archives at [5.3.2] Description and Objectives: [] Focus/Purpose: The Grid Checkpoint Recovery Working Group will define a user-level API and associated layer of services that will permit checkpointed jobs to be recovered and continued on the same or on remote Grid resources. A key feature of Grid Checkpoint Recovery service is recoverability of jobs among heterogeneous Grid resources. In other words, resources on which jobs are checkpointed need not be of the same type as those on which the jobs are recovered, as long as the application code operating on the checkpointing resource can be built for and run on the recovery platforms. The benefits of a resource-independent checkpoint recovery capability for Grids include facilitation of strategic or tactical job preemption and migration (e.g. job load balancing among available resources, cost-based job migration, etc.), in addition to recoverability of Grid-managed computational jobs across heterogeneous resources. Problem Statement: Checkpoint Recovery is a service to facilitate automated recovery and continuation of interrupted computations with the aid of periodically recorded checkpoint data. Checkpoint Recovery is essential for large, long-running computations to minimize lost time and other costs incurred by system failures, job preemption, job migration and other interruptions to calculations. In Grid environments, Checkpoint Recovery will be necessary to facilitate migration and continuation of incomplete computations among available heterogeneous resources. Checkpoint Recovery has been implemented in a variety of forms for specific systems, applications, and distributed computing architectures. One can view approaches to Checkpoint Recovery on a continuum between fully system-based (requiring no application involvement, but limited to operating only on such systems locally) to fully application-based (entirely portable, expecting nothing of the system on which the application runs). Neither extreme is practical nor scalable for Grid environments. The GridCPR approach will instead combine an application- level API with implementations based on layered Grid services. To facilitate recoverability and migration of large, distributed computational jobs in Grid environments, a standard, common interface is needed to allow application developers to write portable, resource- independent code to handle checkpointing and recovery operations in a consistent manner across different Grid resources. Corresponding services need to be built on Grid resources to serve the checkpointing and recovery commands according to the capabilities of their platforms, with checkpoint data written reliably and in a fully portable format to storage. Methods need to be developed to forward checkpoint data to Grid resources to which jobs are migrated to continue processing. The Grid Checkpoint Recovery Working Group will define requirements for a common Grid Checkpoint Recovery service (GridCPR), and develop and publish a specification for a standard Grid Checkpoint Recovery Application Programming Interface (GridCPR API). The goal of the API is to provide Grid application developers and resource providers a common interface for consistent, secure, and system-independent means to record, manage, and recover application checkpoint data to continue interrupted and/or migrated computations. Impact: Architecture: Grid event monitoring services will be closely tied to job management facilities that rely on checkpointing and recovery to handle unexpected as well as scheduled interruptions to jobs. Grid Checkpoint Recovery services will provide data necessary to support accounting procedures among participating resource providers and users. Compatibility with complementary standards and API efforts in GGF will be essential for the Grid Checkpoint Recovery services and API to succeed. The GridCPR working group will appoint liasons to other GGF research groups and working groups. These liasons will be responsible for informing the GridCPR working group regarding applicable GGF standards developments, and to represent the GridCPR working group in meetings of their assigned GGF research/working groups. Complementary GGF groups of particular interest include those in the areas of Scheduling and Resource Management (DRMAA-WG, GRAAP-WG), Architecture (Accounting Models RG), Applications, Programming Models and Environments (Advanced Programming Models RG), Data (Transport RG), Security (all groups), Information Systems and Performance (Monitoring issues) and Peer-to-Peer (relationships between OGSA/Globus and P2P). Deployment and Operations: Grid resource providers will need to deploy services, administrative tools, and infrastructure to accommodate Grid Checkpoint Recovery services and GridCPR API libraries. Security: Security for checkpoint data (integrity, availability, privacy) and executable binaries will be essential to prevent accidental and deliberate disruption, modification, or other subversion of computational jobs. Specifications developed by the Grid Checkpoint Recovery working group will comply with and build upon all established GGF Grid security standards. Application Development and Runtime Issues: Given a standard Grid Checkpoint Recovery Application Programming Interface library, users and application developers with a need for Grid Checkpoint Recovery will incorporate checkpointing and recovery procedures into their code. Vendors and Grid resource providers must implement services to manage checkpoint data storage and transport in addition to job migration and recovery according to the GridCPR Service and API specifications published by the GridCPR Working Group. Grid scheduling facilities will need to be aware of checkpointing and recovery operations to facilitate continuation of interrupted and migrated jobs. Scalability: Scalability of Grid Checkpoint Recovery is expected to vary according to the nature, distribution, and communication needs of computational jobs as well as the nature and configuration of computational resources. It is anticipated that best practices associated with application development and management of Grid Checkpoint Recovery will develop as experience is gained in the field. Transition: The Grid Checkpoint Recovery Working Group will generate documents to guide users, application developers, vendors, and resource providers regarding the requirements for Grid Checkpoint Recovery services, and the implementation and use of a standard Grid Checkpoint Recovery Application Programming Interface. [] Goals/Milestones: July, 2002 - GGF5 Edinburgh - BoF session to survey interest and discuss draft charter and formation of the Grid Checkpoint Recovery Working Group. (Done) October 2002 - GGF6 Chicago - Ratify Working Group Charter; Discuss existing approaches to Checkpoint Recovery APIs (e.g., European DataGrid, PSC TCS Checkpoint Recovery API). Develop Grid Checkpoint Recovery operational scenarios, including application- and system behaviors; Identify categories of scenarios and define scope of functionality to be served by a Grid Checkpoint Recovery API/Service. (Done) March 2003 - GGF7 Tokyo - Discuss and ammend draft GFD-I document detailing scope of GridCPR API and services; Discuss and establish GridCPR Working Group development (virtual) meetings to be held on a regular schedule between GGF meetings. (Done) June 2003 - GGF8 Seattle - Discuss GridCPR API/Services scope and interfaces; Discuss current and anticipated GridCPR API/Service use cases. Identify additional use cases and commit authors to submit brief descriptions of such use cases to the GridCPR-WG for review. (Done) October 2003 - GGF9 Chicago - Review GridCPR API/Service discussions to date. Develop GridCPR Use Cases and Architecture GWD-I documents. Discuss requirements for proof of concept implementations. Identify writing and review assignments and establish deadlines for drafts and reviews. (Done) March 2004 - GGF10 Berlin - Review GridCPR Use Cases GWD-I document; Review GridCPR Architecture GWD-I document; Initiate Draft GridCPR API Specification document. Identify additional writing and review assignments and deadlines for GWD-I documents. (Done) June 2004 - GGF11 Hawaii - Finalize GridCPR Use Case & GridCPR Architecture GWD-I documents (Uses cases discussed & revised, architecture document discussion postponed); [Submit GWD-I documents to GGF Editor; Review Draft; GridCPR API Specification document; Assign writing and review assignments and deadlines for GridCPR API Specification; Revisit proof of concept implementation requirements. Assign initial proof of concept implementation and reporting tasks, deadlines] (Postponed). September 2004 - GGF12 Brussels - Review Use Cases and Architecture documents. Initiate GridCPR-API Specification document. Plan SC04 GridCPR-WG meeting. Identify writing and review assignments and establish deadlines for drafts and reviews. November 2004 - SC04 Pittsburgh - Finalize Use Cases and Architecture Documents; Post Final Drafts to gridcpr-wg mailing list for final internal review before submission to GGF Editor; Continue planning GridCPR API Specification document and proof-of-concept GridCPR API implementations. (Done). March 2005 - GGF13 Seoul - (meeting postponed to GGF14 in Chicago) June 2005 - GGF 14 Chicago - Review draft GridCPR API Specification; Review proof of concept GridCPR API implementation plans; Review updates to GridCPR Use Cases and GridCPR Architecture documents based on public comments. Resubmit revised Use Cases and Architecture documents to GGF Editor if needed. Fall 2005 - GGF15 - Revise draft GridCPR API Specification; Demonstrate initial GridCPR API implementations and review lessons learned; Initiate GridCPR Services Interface Specification document; Identify writing and review assignments and establish deadlines for drafts and reviews. Spring 2006 - GGF16 - Review GridCPR API implementations; Finalize GridCPR API Specification & submit to GGF Editor; Review draft GridCPR Services Interface Specification and proof-of-concept GridCPR Services implementations. Summer 2006 - GGF17 - Revise GridCPR API Specification (if needed); Review proof-of-concept GridCPR Services implementations and lessons learned; Finalize GridCPR Services Interface Specification & submit to GGF Editor; Fall 2006 - GGF18 - Revise GridCPR Services Interface Specification (if needed). [] Websites: