Minutes of GRAAP session at GGF13 Seoul 16th of March 2005 Session chair: Wolfgang Ziegler, Notetaker: Philipp Wieder (for the slides of the session visit the GRAAP page at gridforge) - ~20 participants - legal stuff, sign-in sheets circulated - agenda presented, announcement that this is just a reporting session, no work on the spec. is done (none of the authors present) - result of Public Comment Period - we received 36 comments (some of them collected at GGF12 in Brussels and inserted by Heiko) - 29 of them addressed and most of them resoveld, some still in discussion (see slides for status) - went through comments (slide presentation) - Jon MacLaren clarified his position on comment #12, he still thinks that seperation of the doc should be carried out to separate protocol, format, etc. - Jon clarified comment #14, GGF recommendations should not rely on standards which are not finalised yet. Wolfgang: We changed this in the spec. to make more explicit which specs are already finalised and which not. Some of the standards in progress could be finalised before/during the second public comment period which will reduce this problem. The group will try to react on changes in referred specs. - #18 discussed heavily on the mailing list, but still far from being resolved - comments #28-#30 and #33 to #36 will be discussed during the following weeks - Questions: state of the specification, will there be major changes? Answer (Wolfgang): No further, except for - asynchronous operation (#2, still under discussion) - termination (#18, ongoing discussion) and - removal of related agreements (#3, done), But the changes are important enough to have a second public period comment. - The group will try to set up dedicated telecons (or AG meetings) to resolve the open issues like asynchronous operation and termination - Next steps - presented schedule for the next months - Stephen Pickles reported that Karl Czaikowski is less optimistic than Wolfgang wrt to resubmission date (3-6 vs 3 month) - Question: Will editor time be as long as for the first submission? Answer (Stephen): Pipeline works more quickly now. - Question: Is it just resolving comments or also bringing in new issues? Answer (Wolfgang): No formal decision, but try to defer new issues to later. - Group thinks about f2f meeting before GGF14 to clarify comments and reach a final agreement on spec. Comment from Stephen: To achieve this such a meeting has to be announced this week. - Comment Jon: Suggestion that authors come to GGF meetings, since it is the best occasion for others to have f2f with them. - Question: Following up activity or closing down the group once the spec. is done? Answer (Wolfgang): When the second comment period is over and the revised spec. has been sent to the editor, the group will move back to original focus and address the negotiation. - Comment Stephen: One should think about experience docs/primer wrt the implementations to get to recommendation (not mandatory). Answer (Wolfgang): there has been some (discontinued) work on a primer and there are several attempts to (partly) implement the spec - so it should not be too difficult to come up with such a document - Comment: It would be good see milestones on a primer. Jon offers to feed training material into writing process.