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GridIR GGF Charter



Grid Information Retrieval (GridIR)


Kevin Gamiel
Postal3021 Cornwallis Road, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2889
Emailkgamiel at
Dr. Gregory B. Newby, Research Faculty
OrganizationArctic Region Supercomputing Center
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Postal910 Yukon Drive Suite 106 PO Box 756020 Fairbanks, AK 99775
Emailnewby at
Nassib Nassar
OrganizationEtymon Systems, Inc.
PostalP.O. Box AM, Princeton, NJ 08542, USA
Emailnassar at


Sousan Karimi
Postal3021 Cornwallis Road, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2889
Emailsousan at

Mailing List

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Description and Objectives


The GridIR WG will establish a specific set of requirements, an architecture, and detailed specifications for a particular Information Retrieval (IR) system on the OGSA Grid. GridIR will provide document collection management, indexing/searching, and query processing services to OGSA grid users and applications.


The GridIR WG will:

1. Establish requirements for GridIR.

The WG will describe specific functional system requirements. Initial requirements are identified as:

  • Distributed, asynchronous and independent of content and query type
  • Collection management capability
  • Indexing and searching capability
  • Query processing capability
  • Metadata capabilities to identify and interact with collections, indexes and query processors
2. Define an architecture for GridIR

The WG will describe a specific architecture in support of satisfying the IR system requirements in an efficient, modular manner. The initial architecture includes three major components:

  • Collection Manager services - Provides generalized methods for describing logical record collections, instantiating those collections (by crawling, copying, accepting streams, etc), providing metadata services on those collections, provide access methods to those collections, and provide event services for collection change notification.
  • Indexing/Searching services - Provides generalized methods for building indexes/representations of Collections for subsequent rapid search. Also provides generalized complex query and retrieval methods.
  • Query Processing services - Provides methods for distributed searching, merging result sets, query expansion, and event-driven change notification.
3. Describe detailed GridIR specifications

The WG will describe a set of specifications based on the OGSA suitable to implement GridIR systems. We will describe a specific set of OGSA services, initially including:

  • GridIR PortType
    • Includes method(s) for discovering metadata about available IR capabilities and collections
  • CollectionManagement PortType
    • Includes methods for defining logical document collections (including document harvesting and transformation rules) and delivering them (as full collections or partial updates)
  • SearchAndPresentation PortType
    • Includes methods for submitting a structured query and manipulating result sets.
  • InformationRetrieval PortType
    • Inherits SearchAndPresentation PortType.
    • Adds methods for index administration.
    • Supplies core IR functionality.
  • QueryProcessing PortType
    • Inherits SearchAndPresentation PortType.
    • Handles distributed asynchronous event-driven queries
    • Presents super-sets of InformationRetrieval PortTypes to user clients
    • Provides methods for result set merging
    • Provides query expansion and other processing services


  • GridIR Requirements Document - Stakeholder-driven list of service-level requirements for building a grid-based IR system. Revised draft by GGF7, finalize by GGF8
  • GridIR Architecture Document - Describes overall system comprised of integrated grid services, scenarios, etc. First draft by GGF7, finalize by GGF12.
  • GridIR Specifications Document - Describes each service in detail, with an emphasis on WSDL interface specification. First draft by GGF7, finalize by GGF13.


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