The CMM-WG will have two half-day sessions in GGF9. The outline and objectives of the sessions are: (1) Give an update of the WG activities for those not participating regularly, in the beginning of the first session, in standard GGF session format. (2) Discuss the collaboration between the CMM-WG and OASIS WSDM TC on the remaining time (recent activities in the WSDM TC have a lot of commonality with the OGSI/CMM work, so both are now re-directing the activities to cooperate). This will be a face-to-face meeting of the CMM-WG, of interest mainly to those participating regularly in the WG activities. (Two half-day sessions were allocated instead of a full-day session to give people time to think, write text, etc. overnight.) The expected outcome of (2) is a decision on how we are going to collaborate with the WSDM TC, and the future scope and activities of CMM-WG in relation to that, probably including a new charter. The agenda (still preliminary) is: Date: Monday, October 6, 2003 Time: 12:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Central Time Room: Michigan B (140p) (a) Early discussion (attendance list, note taker assignment, etc.) (b) Introduction and updates (for people not attending teleconferences) - What is CMM (Ellen) - 15 minutes - Where is CMM (Fred) - 10 minutes This is an explanation of the CMM position on the OGSA architecture - Update on WG status (Fred) - 20 minutes This will consist mainly of an explanation on the relationship with OASIS WSDM (background and current status) (c) Face-to-face meeting - Presentations of the WSDM specs (to give a good idea of their contents) - WSDM MOWS and MUWS Requirements (Fred) - WSMF (HP, TBD) - WS-Manageability (Ellen) - Comparison of WSDM and OGSI/CMM functionality - Discussion of what CMM-WG needs to do - What is our place in the whole picture - Future scope and activities of the CMM-WG Date: Tuesday, October 7, 2003 Time: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Central Time Room: Mayfair (100p) - Continuation of face-to-face meeting. URLs: Session calendar: WSDM documents: - MOWS Requirements: (TBD) - MUWS Requirements: (TBD) - WSMF/OGSI re-factoring: - WSMF original specs: - WS-Manageability: