This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/7355?download= at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:06:40 GMT Notes of the meeting of the Applications Research Group (APPS-RG),

Notes of the meeting of the Applications Research Group (APPS-RG),

held at GGF9 in Chicago, October 6, 2003



Notes taken by: Shantenu Jha, <>


Session chaired by: Thomas Hinke




Reviewed goals of APPS-RG, as discussed at [Oct 2002, GGF6]


1. Goal: Apps Workshop

Reviewed accomplishments e.g. GGF5 in Glasgow, GGF7 in Tokyo andGGF8 in Seattle.


One thought- In general, summer GGF for workshops


Simon Cox: Should we investigate possiblity of holding WS inFrankfurt with GGF10? (rationale similar to Tokyo).


Action Item: Simon Cox to contact Mark Parsons for one lastattempt at organizing a WS at GGF10 (Frankfurt).



Ray Bear: Challenges of Large Applications in DistributedEnvironments [CLADE].   Lastyear was published seperate to HPDC (held in Seattle). Hinke: Do we needanother WS if CLADE is already happening in the time frame of Honolulu?


Rob Hood: Mentioned UPDT will be having a WS at GGF11.


Cox: If jointly done with CLADE, usual registration relatedproblems.


Hinke: 1 workshop a year, logistics- offsite? venue?

Cox: Possibility of any off-track events to be held at NeSC(Edinburgh,UK)

Dave Berry seconded it.


Hinke: Closing remarks: needs further thought.


2. Goal: Grid technology assessment

"Build a set of grid applications to evaluate the currentstate of the grid and document the results. Collect statistics of current gridstatus with links to different grids... "


Demo-based Grid Assessment Issues:


Need clear objective and assoc. metric for demo such as one ormore of the following:


 e.g. Ability toeasily use grids

á  abilityof grid to support use of large number of processors across many differentgrids

á  abilityof grids to support high data rate applications



á  usedemo to accomplish something useful

á  involvestudent teams

á  involvedthe computational resource on the floor of SC03





Where do we want to go with this?

Volunteers to lead and contribute?


   ** Don't do anassessment **



3. Case Studies

Collect case studies of grid applications with a focus on what theapplication does and how it uses the grid to accomplish its goals.


Collect 3 types of case studies:

á  productionuse of the grid

á  developmentuse of the grid

á  scenariosof what users would like to do, but can not currently

á  do withthe grid


Make recommendations that go back to the other GGFresearch/working groups


Cox: make the case studies as a basis for the workshop; anddocument derived from individual contributions for the workshop.


classification: compute intensive, data intensive...


Franz:  contributeenvironment risk analysis

MPI code, weather

Peggy: industrial application (engineering) used at EFBL, France.


Kum Won Cho : CFD

             [possible presentation at workshop,documentation and even live



 ** consensus: explorepossibility of having this in Frankfurt. **


Dave Barry: mentioned OGSA use case document. Explore overlap?

Action: Dave Barry to dig out the template of the OGSA Use caseand email to some people...



4. Goal: Identitify and assess burning issues that applicationdevelopers have that could either facilitate or hinder the development of gridapplications


Hinke: GT3 problems (Astronomy BoF)

Susan: insufficient documentation


5. Goal: Application-unique requirements --  capture application-unique requirementsfor the grid and make recommendations to other GGF research/working groups.


discussion: mailing list.

what do we expect to come out of the mailing list?


6. Goal: Identify and classify application-orientedcapabilities that grids currently facilitate


Cox: to be used in an executive summary?




Hinke: What else would people have liked to see?


á  GridLabrepresentative expressed surprise at the little interest?

á  convincingscientist(s) to use the grid is difficult.

á  usingthe grid is viewed as a problem. Use case will be useful.

á  Nosense of Best practises?

o      griddevelopers guide?


concentrate not so much on the application but focus on the gridtechnology e.g. used globus run, grid-ftp.


 Hinke: quickpresentations not necessarily in a workshop context


Remarks: Best practises possible only when 'hardened architecture'

Hinke: not necessarily 'best practises', but 'a practise'?

e.g. which grid commands


Remarks: akin to design patterns, which are best practises fromcommonly recurring problems


e.g. recurring problem: job submission (JS)

possible solution:  JS service factory


   ** Use APPS-Gas a forum for discussion between end users and tool

   developers.Structure meetings like a show and tell?**


 Piotr  Bala: This RG develop a  testbed (resources, easy way to usecertificates, some  toy  applications  etc.) so that a wider  user community couldcome test it, use it and decide if it is for them. Something like this existsfor UNICORE.



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