1. Agenda review and sign up sheet. 2. 60 Day Comment 2.1 Process review 2.2 Discussed with explanations Key Issues - serviceData XSD (Savas Parastadtidis) - Typos (Mario Antonioletti) - Usage GS "instance" (Dave Snelling) - "now" dateTime (Steve Tuecke) - Clarify ServiceGroup (Tim Banks) - Laundry List (Cees de Laat) - Technical edits (GGF Technical Editor) Friday the draft 33 will for to the steering. 3. Questions What is the interoperability issue in relation to WS-I? The service data description only really annotates the meaning of the operations find/set/delete-ServiceData. The GSWDL -> WSDL 1.1 should address this issue. Note that GSWDL -> WSDL 1.2 will also have an impact as well as other issues alive in the WS community. How do I tell if a WS is a GS? Look at the PT namespace. Is the extension construct the same as WSDL 1.2? Yes, with explanation. Service identity question. E.g. could there be an "equals" operation? Described the handles SDE as the only mechanism provided. Discussion covered the CORBA vs WS model issues. We also noted that the WS community were heading into similar territory. Is the a jury process for "interoperability" issues. This is not really possible at present in the GGF. Serious conflicts are likely to lead to a new version, but internal resolution should be sought fast. The equality issue needs to be covered in the primer along with other cases where the history of why various choices were made. Reassurance that GWSDL will go away with WSDL 1.2. This can't be guaranteed, but seem ok. 4. Future work 4.1 Document operational experience 4.2 OGSI V1.1 if necessary 4.3 OGSI Primer - 4Q03 4.4 GWSDL -> WDSL 1.1 - 4Q03 4.4 GWSDL -> WDSL 1.2 - 2Q04 4.5 GSH Schemes - 4Q03 4.6 Explore OGSI v2 issues, but only after a re-charter. - Issues dropped in V1.0 - WSDL 1.2 - Other WS standards - Interaction with stateful web services (e.g. WSCI, BEPL) - Implementation experience - Reduce non-normative text 4.7 Socialization (informal activities) - Attributes task force - GSR -> WS-Addressing 5. Source Forge Bugzilla moved over to grid forge. Use this to track issues. 6. General discussion Can OGSI operate in a non Grid context effectively? Yes, but there is some marketing needed. Is the "long running" impression of WS's in conflict with the possibly short lived GSs? Not really, the lines are blurring, e.g. WS-Addressing and tragetResource ideas from WSs. The key point is that there is nothing implied in OGSI that implies "heavy weight". There was some discussion that BEPL might or might not interact with OGSI. Some repeated questions from morning. Clarification of what can show up in the service data values element. 7. This was agreed to be the Last OGSI Session of GGF8.