Data Transport RG Chairs: Pascale Primet, Roger Kosak Secretary: Neil Chue Hong Approx 34 people Pascale reiterated the goals of the group. She then went through the to do list. Queries were raised about the status of Milestones 2 and 3. The Extensions to HTTP Milestone data was revised to GGF10. It was noted that coordination was still required with the GHPN, RNG and IETF. Pascale had discussed IETF liason with Cees de Laat. Peter Clarke noted that Cees could not handle liaison for all groups within GGF and the group should identify someone who could act as liaison and perhaps someone from IETF who could attend the Group sessions. Bill Allcock presented the work done on surveying transport protocols. A web page had been created listing protocols with descriptions. Some of these had been started, but none were past draft stage. He suggested that those not written by the author of the standard should be run past original authors for approval. There was a discussion on the document title and how restrictive it should be. It was eventually decided that the working title should be "Reliable Unicast Protocols for Grid Data Transport". Multicast would be specifically excluded (possibly another document) but message data transport would be included. The name would be tweaked if necessary to reflect what's in the final doc. New protocol submissions would be accepted until September 1st, a draft would come out at October and it would be submitted after GGF9. A doc, pdf and document template were available from URL (posted to mailing list) Reagan Moore presented on "Recommendation for Standard Operations at Remote Sites". He discussed the overlap between different groups and their core set of operations. He discussed the drivers for different groups across the world. Need a minimal set of operations provided across production data grids. Specify capabilities rather than implementations. A question was raised about the linkage with the Storage Management Group - would the SMG implement things defined by this document. A new title was proposed "Identification of range of remote operations in current use". Filesystems were added to the scope of the document. Reagan was looking for help mapping to implementations e.g. AFS etc. Igor Mandrichenko gave a brief overview of the status of the Improvements to GridFTP doc. This had moved to the rechartered GridFTP-WG Yves Deneulin gave a presentation on "A Parallel Data Transport Solution for Grids". Wanted feedback on separation of metadata/data. Description of how a file is stored (metadata), striping and replication. This could be used to evaluate different transport protocols. There was some discussion on this implementation focusing on whether it was "standard" NFS (it looks like NFS at the client end but is not elsewhere) and whether this was a file system or a transport (actually a bit of both). Pascale finished with a brief overview of "work in progress" and called for volunteers to take on authorship of the "Transport Scenarios and Requirements" and "Evaluation of alternative bulk data transport mechanisms".