Data Transport Research Group GGF7, Tokyo, 6th March 2003 Attendees: ~55 Coordination with other groups (Grid High Performance Networking, Replication Networking and IETF): - there were no volunteers to coordinate interaction with these groups. Milestones and lifetime of group: - the group charter will need to be amended to give it a definite lifetime. It was suggested that we should use the timescale of the milestones to define the end point of the group - each milestone being discussed at the meeting was asked to suggest timescales for their deliverables Survey of Transport Protocols over than TCP: - Bill Allcock presented on behalf of Jason Leigh - Are doing a survey of open literature to produce a document with one page per protocol. - A draft list of protocols had been finished. - Discussion over whether survey should cover implementations or focus strictly on protocols. Agreed to include implementations where appropriate and people willing to contribute. - Draft list of protocols to be posted to the mailing list. Other groups should contribute other protocols they're aware of. - Bill and Jason would produce and circulate a template for an entry. This would allow other groups to contribute, even partially, to the survey. - Iterate this document to GGF8 and produce a draft for discussion. Submit as an Informational document at GGF9. Recommendations for Standard Operations at remote sites: - Reagan Moore presented results of an initial survey of five existing implementations used in current Grids: SRB, CHIRP, DCCP, RFIO, RIO/MPI-IO - Want to identify a common subset and also find out what communities use "other" operations. - Require participation from active Grid communities to say why a particular operation should be a standard grid operation. - Initial list to be published to mailing list to get feedback - Try to submit a document for GGF8 if enough participation. Extensions to HTTP for the Grid: - Andy McNab presented some work looking at using HTTP(S) for Grid data transport. - Could lead to a number of different documents: -- Informational (what can be acheived, performance vs other protocols) -- Best Practice (how existing standards should be used to achieve particular performance / functionality) -- Standards (which bits of standards need to go from MAY to SHOULD/MUST) - Unclear how much interest there is in this area at GGF. - relying on HTTP extension headers might be a problem (see the IESG note page 1 of RFC 2774). SOAP could be more appropriate. - Andy to bring a draft of a possible document to GGF8. Protocols improvements to GridFTP v1.0 - Igor Mandrichenko presented some experiences of using GridFTP v1.0 - Goals: summarise implementation experiences; recommend solutions; develop next version of standard; implement new standard - likely to become either revival of GridFTP WG or new spin-of WG - Bill Allcock would present a list of known problems with GridFTP v1.0 from the Globus Project. Other people should contribute additions to this list. - Timescale: find interested parties between GGF7/GGF8, combine opinions and form scope, produce a charter for GGF8. Requirements for Asynchronous and Heterogenous Data Transport - Michael Welzl presented a "Specification of a Network Adaptation Layer for the Grid" - Grid applications have special QoS requirements / traffic properties => does this require special architecture? - Should this be a RG? WG? Document? Need to see what interest there is in this area before GGF8. - This activity might be better suited to an IRTF RG. Once a proposal has been put together there, the suitability of this approach to Grids could be investigated within this RG. Minutes by Neil Chue Hong, EPCC