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Remote sites in attendance: Manchester University Korea Institute of Science and Technology Boston University LBNL Argonne National Lab 10 remote attendees Agenda: Security Discussing finalizing document Dsicussing future topics Overview of attendance and IP Security Document: Fleshing out document from bullets into prose Spread info out so it's not as lumped Mike Daw concerned with no VRVS section - Jim Meyer contributed - Phillippe Galvez Future Direction: data formats - wg group created - data models might be more app orient. - come up with a coherent mission statement services - Jason, Brian (NewMIC), Ivan specifically interested - viz, collaboration, etc - not tackle too broad of topics - Jason made point about viz services is a collaboration service - is it necessary for a generic collaboration service - Mike Papka argues yes - Brian mentions a coll serv concept as generic framework for building more specific services - collab serv to be its own wg - not trying to standardize services but inform on key components of services ag2.0 wg/discussion papers Mike Daw brought up scheduling - spawning wg - draft standards - Mike Daw will start discussion on the list - not in a specific sense (i.e., AG) but in a generic sense (i.e., video conferencing in general) Jason Leigh International co-chairs Discussion of how to bring AG into the GGF community - RFC style document from lab instead of rg Discussion about workshops coordinated with GGF - ACE group sponsor data model workshop - discussion of outside funding (John) - AG meetings between scheduled GGF meetings Homework: Mike Papka - viz services Brian - collab services Mike Daw - scheduling John - data formats and data models Start discussion and get volunteers for international chairs