Presentation by Volker Sander, Research Centre Julich: - History of the RG and its charter - Summarize of the existing Top Ten Things Network Engineers wish Grid Programmers knew authored by Jon Crowcroft - Input for Brainstorming on the Top Ten Things Grid Programmers wish Network Engineers knew document * Wording of the presentation was intended to initiate a discussion. It was not intended for a document * Debate about overprovisioned networks - More clarification needed here - Parts of the network are potentially not overprovisioned while others are - Backbone can be overprovisioned but access bandwidth can still be much less. So it depends upon the context - Even in overprovisioned networks there are bursts causing delays, i.e. multiplexing might cause delays * The document should respect existing use cases from other GGF groups * A specific use case document would probably be something that should be somewhere on the road but not as a prerequisite this document * To meet the deadline, the scope of the document should not be changed. * The presentation. did not really cover many things that are of immediate use for network engineers. The document probably addresses the issues targeted for administrators and network engineers, so the title should abstract the targeted group * Input did point the finger to much at the network, it should also address the software in the end-points. This problem, however, was also caused by the title used so far, i.e. by the targeted group. * A submission of a GWD-I document to IETF might be possible * The four volunteers will start to prepare the GWD-I document which should be ready by GGF-8 * Further volunteers are invited to participate in this effort Grid Network Infrastructure WG Proposal by David E. Martin, IBM: - Proposal as is appears to be to broadly scoped - Proposed documents seem to be targeted as informational document. A RG would then be appropriate - An OGSA conformant interface exposed to the GRID would probably be not informational - There is currently some overlap with the NM-WG. A better differentiation between the proposed work and the information exposed by the NM-WG should be addressed. - Referring to the virtualization of network resources, i.e. components in the network are treated as a resource - A use cases document would be a perfect thing for this group as a single document. This document can be published within GHPN - The effort will first be pursued through GHPN RG. A WG might be spawn off once consensus is achieved Adaptation Layer Proposal by Michael Welzl, University of Innsbruck - Better differentiation needed on what is addressed - Transport layer efforts have to be addressed within IETF - Further iteration will be performed on the GHPN mailing list Future directions for the group - Finish the document Top-ten issues document by GGF-8 - New roadmap and milestones for GHPN are needed - A more systematic way of going at things is needed Conclusions - A significant amount of people were willing to pursue this group - It should be more focused - It should have a new roadmap (not just the two documents) to be continued - Current Charter allows for it, Milestones must be updated on the mailing list - Chairing question will be clarified