Session was chaired by Volker Sander, Research Centre Jülich - IP statement presented - Jim Pruyne replaces Jon MacLaren as co-chair -> accepted by the group Web page will move; Jon MacLaren will add a redirect. Thanks to Jon who was a driving force of GRAAP as chair, we are looking forward continuing the collaboration - Consensus on the proposed Agenda - GRAAP milestones re-confirmed - Charter: clarifications of the scope -> no objections, consensus on deleting the clarification i.e. "do you also include the reservation of ports for communication, or allow the protocol to re-configure firewalls?" have been removed). Agreed on proposal to add the other changes not only to the website but to add it to the charter and sending the updated charter to the steering committee for approval (a formal issue mostly as the clarification does not change charter, but gives more more focus to it) - Other groups to link to: o proposed CRM WG o proposed JSDL WG (Jim Pruyne) o proposed GSO WG (Philipp Wieder) o Other links contact via email - Definition of AR -> no objections on the definition. GRAAP will use this definition - State-of-the-art document -> no objection, no new add-ons. We will pursue to move this document towards an GWD-I document - Scenarios o The Templated Application: proposal to change the protocol requirements section with respect to the issue of composition of existing SLAs -> the term SLA might be misleading here. Decision: leave it for now but clarify and decide later o Discussion about the modification of reservation parameters: totally cancelling a reservation or reducing the number (nodes, bandwidth, disk-space,...) of reserved resources -> does it have to succeed? Is it a protocol issue, a policy issue, or a recommendation how to use the protocol? -> agreement: re-negotiation must be supported by the protocol, semantics of reducing or cancelling a reservation does not have to be specified within the requirements. The common understanding is that this seems to be part of the SLA policy. - Requirements o Reducing the SLA should succeed will be changed to a less obligating formulation as one might not be able to enforce what happens at the other side, but an acknowledgement that the request was received and will be processed somehow should be returned (see to discussion above) o Any requirements missing? * Use of GRAAP for co-allocation: Two phase commit/soft-state model? -> requirement: as SLAs may have different life-times the need for validations might come up at different times. Add a co-allocation scenario to the document. (for two-phase commit/soft-state issues). * Q: Is the protocol centred approach compliant to OGSA? A: GRAAP will be coded in WSDL with descriptions for state changes, etc. -> full protocol - Should GRAAP address requirements for an RDL? o Q: Write an additional document specifying GRAAP s requirements concerning an RDL (plus adding a milestone to the group's charter)? -> Comment : Requirements specification for RDL may be beyond the scope of the group. -> agreement: specification of the protocol first and extraction of the RDL requirements later from the protocol, no separate document now. - All goals defined for GGF7 have been reached.