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website: elist: ACEgrid meeting Monday July 22, 2002 37 people in attendance Mike Papka Jason leigh Tom Coffin Rick Stevens Jason leigh gives an overview of the acerg Security requirements for advr env papers bing drafted At ggf4 listened to overview from speakers regarding scurity Ace members formulated a template One track is security On the other remote file data aceess remote services Session1 Presentation IETF security standards Session2 Ace2 - 7/26/02 edinburgh Igrid2002 9/23-27 amsterdam Goals Review security req docs produce grid working draft Identify specs Plan results of adoption at ggf6 Derek Simmel - slides IETF security standards applicable to advanced collaborative environments They gathered case studies and developed a straw man scenario The community represented by the group was then relaying their findings to network protocal people? Produce a document which describes in detail what is available in the IETF standards Bob Olson - What can be standardized - slides Protocols, data formats, best practices Can ace produce these standardized specifications Sdl - very readable service Idl to java Abstract out what the essentials of the vv are before writing specs What is the minimum functionality and then provide services for that High level of capability originally wanted Lately there is a low end push for the accessgrid ANL would like to focus on more sophisticated areas of the Accessgrid Would like to see another group take on the lowend John Brooke University of Manchester is interested in pursuing the low end Which services should we be focusing on first Security is a very fitting one and that is focus of this meeting What is the next set of services? What has not been done is an analysis of what are these scenarios Like a top-down scenario Do we want to find a subgroup for this? Review of documents Template Read write delete are not extensive enough - for example medical data where the personal patient data needs to be secured but the statistics of the data need to be used Anonymity of data required Templates were used to create separate documents which were boiled into a summary The point of this exercise is to draw out commonalities So. what do we do now with this document. Roll it out as a grid working draft Beat on it make suggestions - make it more complete Find some people to use the grid security available and Jason Leigh is working with Norse Hydro and may be able to use that as a example Bob Olson could be implementing this with AccessGrid development The US National Fusion Science is interested Bill Allcock - Grid FTP Feature Overview - slides http - ftp web srb and others 2 key points 3rd party transfers was very important and having a separate control and data channel makes that easier - work on something that was standardized and extended - ftp won how about seperaation of data streams - for example - send all this data but do not step on my video stream - working Dave Schissel General Atomics DOE funded lab - slides 3 large fusion experiment facilities in the US application utilizing existing fusion applications and software a lot of collaboration going on between the 3 sites rapid analysis is done between experiments wants to start incorporating Accessgrid into the control room environment using desktop models EVL is working on 5x3 lcd panel tiled wall which could be used How will it be used? A lot of one to ones or many to many or a mix Need more monitoring tools What kind? How much time? Is the job running is it in the cue - as a project manager in the long term is you want to be able to go to a scientist and say you have used the machines this much We have a tool we use in fusion software, which we will incorporate to help with this Next GGF is a working group meeting in Chicago - would Like to have the documents ready to go by then Will also like to bring the AG documents to that next meeting and Possibly to run them before that meeting The venue model is to be used not just for streaming media but for other tools and shared objects for distributed computing Backend services examples will be in the AG2