These meetings were organized by Peter Clarke, Pham Congduc and Brian Tierney _____________________________________________________________________ Notes on othe Grid High Performance Network BoF GGF3 Frascati October 2001 Scribe: Richard Hughes-Jones The Group organised 2 sessions: At the first session there were presentations on : Lambda Switching by Cees deLaat Network performance measurements by Eric Myers An initial discussion of the Charter The second session focused on the Charter. The following are a summary of the overall discussions on forming the Group: * There was general agreement that the group should be a GGF Research Group, as there are several interest/work areas and the topics were not all suitable for the 6 month time-frame common for GGF Working Groups. * The GGF Research Group should be formed before the next GGF meeting in Feburary 2002. * In light of the discussion of each of the interest areas, summarised below, details of e current proposed Charter will need to be changed. It was agreed to do this by e-mail. * It was agreed that Network Monitoring would be the responsibility of the PERF Network Monitoring Group. * Network security has two main areas:- o Authentication and Authorisation matters - would be covered by the GGF AAA group. o Line security and data encryption - the group would keep a technical watch on IPsec and IPv6. It was clear that there was a Grid requirement for data security and documents specifying the requirements and best practices were needed. * No formal working groups were created, but several people were already active in the areas of High Performance Data Transport and QoS/Bandwidth Reservation. It was agreed to have two serial BoF on these topics at the next GGF. Discussisioof possible Work/Study areas: 1. High Performance Data Transport All agreed that the Grid needed to move data as efficiently as possible - A Grid Requirements document is needed. Several people were investigating TCP over the current networks e.g. - toto determine what is wrong with TCP now - the effect of the end-systems and monitoring tools. - how does it alter on Gigabit networks Suggestions for techniques and work/tests will be circulated. It was agreed that the definition of new protocols / extenstions to TCP/IP was the work of the IETF, but the GGF could provide input. 2. QoS/Bandwidth Reservation Several people were doing research work and it is very useful to exchange ideas. It is important of identify the QoS requirements from the Grid users and the middleware. Bandwidth Reservation goes with QoS to support it. There is a need to define a globally accepted scheme that network providers could supply. GARA and the Q-Bone were briefly discussed. 3. Lambda Switching Lambdas are at Level1, users at level 5-8. It was anticipated that users would ask for bandwidth from the Grid QoS middleware agents, and these agents would request lambdas. It was agreed as a technology watch task with regular updates. 4. MPLS As per item 3. - a technology watch task. 5. Multicast Useful for data replication as well as real-time (audio/video) grid applications. The Grid requirements for reliable data replication and real-time data moving need to be specified. A watch should be kept on the IETF reliable multicast group. 6. Liaison Agreed it was very important to have links with external groups. e.g. IPv6 - Grid APIs should be v4 and v6 compliant. Liaison could form a software technology watch task.