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website: elist: attendees: Jason LeighMike Papka Tom Coffin Larry Dennis Mathilde Romberg Pier Giorgio Marchetti Henri Bal Barbara Kucera Paul Weilinga Anton Koning Yoshihiro Kawahara Jorrit Adriaanse Bram Stolk Peter Brezany Hans Spoelder Edward Breedveld Ales Krenek Glenn Bresnahan John Brooke Thomas Hacker Nick Avis Uwe Woessner Peter Knoop Craig Lee Manish Parashar Cho Kum-Won Olga Kornievskaia Mary Anne Scott Thilo Kielman Shinoi Shimojo Steven Newhouse Evans Craig Cees de Laat Mary Thompson E C Kaletas Greg Riccardi Arsi Vaziri Andre Merzky Satoshi Matsuokn Vladimir Getov --- Jason Leigh "ACE Grid Working Group Proposal" mission - Charlie Catlet approached EVL and ANL regarding the need for a visualization or human factor working group for the Grid. The present working groups were techno centric - computer 2 computer - The ACE grid working group should focus on human 2 computer goals of BoF - spread the word, get techs involved continue discussions goals of working group - * define charter * edit and prioritize goals * set up milestones Draft Charter - * Share ideas and Codes * Find Standardized framework so there is a larger audience to share resources * Listen to other working groups to determine when they are gathering their user requirements * There is a reason why gaming and online communities are compelling and we need to learn from them * Concrete examples: Integration, AccessGrid, Tele-Immersion, launch point for tools, set of standards for deployment * What is in it for you? community of useful work --- Mike Papka announcement: August 7-9, 2001 San Francisco HPDC - ACE working group workshop --- Introduction and Interests of the attendees * Remote visualization of telescope * SCGlobal * Steering of applications using CavernSoft * Disaster Management * Measurement in VR * Human factors in design of products * Looking for collaborators * Collaborative environments - would like to see outreach to communitees that need the tech to do their science/research * Virtual human project * interaction with chemical data * Space physics - satelite info into web based interfaces * COVISE * Grid Computing Group - needs to connect at all levels high end and low end * web based collaborative environments --- Jason Leigh "Hammering out the Draft Charter" * How do we interface with Networking QoS * Who at you institute shouyld be added to this community? * Contributions tech/experts/services/tools * Outreach to the other working groups other groups in attendance: User services, Advanced modeling, Data access, Grid computing environments, Jini, Security, Accounting, Testbeds * What do we NOT do * Requirements of ACE * Human > Computers * Test Campaigns * Evaluation criteria/methods * CavernSoft * Table of capabilities/categories of systems * Standards/Specifications for interoperability * Short/Long range goals * Rquirements and Data gathering --- Bram Stolk "A Modular Approach to VR: SARASim" Sarasim - using Python to modularize and steer performer nodes. (PyPer) Python Modules: performer, animation, speech recognition, and 3D sound (Open AL) CAVE demonstration