Matthew Viljoen RAL grid operations largest in the world? 97 RA's, 120 people good statistics! lots of help to users = Yoshio Tanaka AIST auditing CA's promised a document! interview and physical inspection = Jens Jensen CCLRC certificate profiles ca:false doesn't mean "false"!? what must be a "must"? must have policyIdentifier for oid of cp/cps keyUsage must be present and critical basicConstraints by convention commonName is full name, but what about pseudonyms, and character sets extendedKeyUsage should not be critical serialNumber in DN is what kind of string? to disambiguate CN's? be conservative because of all different middleware who is the audience? CA operators? developers? do we get the start of a document out of this? = CAOPS how do we fit in ggf structure? a security area in community function? new charter for authentication federation? how does this interact with gridshib? make things clearer in the charter do we need a name change? = OCSP punt on proxy certificate revocation? yes need more experience relying parties would like OCSP = we need regular, focused telecons