Notes from the GGF15 ad-hoc BOF on Streams. We didn't agree on a definition of stream. One attempt was "a continuous sequence of messages" - time restricted (video) - lossless (data) Metadata - may have separate metadata/content streams - may have different sources and destinations - may be multicast Transport mechanism - video - content-based pub/sub - WS-notification How do we create streams? Access - continuous queries (CQL < SQL) - fits in OGSA-DAI / DAIS - needs publishers for streams Management - need to manage collections of streams - coherence constraints between joined streams, etc. Provisioning - storing big enough data buffer for desired operations, etc. - storage for stream history, especially in a management environment, where you may be interested in something that hasn't happened after a certain period of time - capturing and curating stream data for future reference/citation/analysis Is there a difference between transformations and queries? We may want to deploy more complex transformations as user-defined code (e.g. fourier transforms mapping time series data to frequency data). Similar to content-based publish/subscribe, but not subscribing to named streams Sensors - Need to manage aggregration/filters/feature detection Are there other existing streams groups? A workshop would be a good idea. Should we run one at GGF? There is an IBM group that may be running a workshop next year.