GFS-WG #1 RNS Wednesday, Oct 5, 2005 12:30am to 2:00pm Note taker: Osamu Tatebe (AIST) Agenda ------ 1. RNS update Manuel Pereira (IBM) 2. GFS profile Manuel Pereira (IBM) Meeting ------- 1. RNS update o Resource Namespace Service - A multi-faceted approach for addressing the needs of access to resources within a distributed network or grid - Facilitates a uniform and universal namespace where: - Names resolve to ultimate target addresses - Names are hierarchically managed - Names may be used in human interface applications and browsable - Utilizes document style messaging - Intended to facilitate namespace services for a wide variety of Grid services - OGSA Basic Profile compliant Web service capable of providing namespace services for any addressable entity by registering an Endpoint Reference o RNS Three-tier Naming Architecture human interface names - logical references - endpoint references - mapping from human interface names to endpoint references, and mapping from human interface names to logical references - optional RNS resolver porttype that maps from logical references to endpoint references o operations - naming create, delete, list, lookup, update - implicit move, rename, mkdir - extensibility {delete,insert,update}Property, listProperties o draft status - all file system specific features has been factored out - final round of internal review and comments - plan to submit to GFD editor in Nov 2005 - 15day GFSG Comment - 60day public comment - ownership of RNS travisions to OGSA-naming WG - GFS-WG to begin GFS Naming Profile now o RNS - was ready for submission in early Aug - OGSA F2F comments - reference to virtual directory - simplify junctions - reference implementation - RNS service provider implementation - RNS service consumer implemenattions - namespace administration graphical user interface - command-line (core API library) - IBM alphaWorks - Globus toolkit Q: how do you handle secrity, access control A: access control is needed, but it is not included for now. We need discussion with security folks. o RNS Recent Revisions - New section: binding to RNS - virtual directory can now be directly referenced - changed "full paths" to "relative paths" - Removed "Type" Property - namespace entries are now either Virtual directories or Junctions - alias and referral is a junction to a virtual directory - Revised Referral Message Mechanism - removed RNSJunctionFault accomodate new binding approach, instead, send back an EPR including PathRemainder - Junction Revisions - rns:Path - rns:PathRemainder - New Sections - Service Binding - IteratorContext * important, need to be emphasized - Absolute Paths * spaning multiple context o telecon next week to finalize the spec 2. GFS profile o profile checksum, checksumType, complete, mutablesource, readonly, replicacopy, size, timestamp, version o need more usecase C: checksum should be digest