------------------------------------- GFS-WG #1 Wednesday, June 29, 2005 2pm to 3:30pm 21 participants Note taker: Osamu Tatebe (AIST) Agenda ------ ( 5 min) Introduction Osamu Tatebe (AIST) (50 min) RNS Specification Manuel Pereira (IBM) (15 min) RNS/VFDS Demonstration Manuel Pereira (IBM) (25 min) Introduction of GFS Architecture Arun swaran Jagatheesan (SDSC) Meeting ------- * Introduction This will be a final face-to-face discussion before submitting RNS Specification Document to GFD Editor. * RNS Specification [See the slide material that will be posted in Meeting Materials/GGF14 in GFS-WG GridForge.] RNS Service Description +------------------+ +--------------------+ |GFS Naming Profile| |other naming profile| +------------------+ +--------------------+ \ / \ / +--------------------------+ |Resource Namespace Service| +--------------------------+ RNS is a general namespace service that can be extended to GFS and other naming service by defining profile. RNS Three-Tier Naming Architecture +---------------------+ +----------------------+ +-------------------+ |Human Interface Names| |Virtualized References| |Endpoint References| +---------------------+ +----------------------+ +-------------------+ RNS manages Human Interaface Names and mapping both from Human Interface Names to Virtualized References and from Human Interface Names to Endpoint References. RNS Draft Status RNS Specification Document will be taken over to OGSA Naming WG after GFD-R-P publication of the RNS v1.0 Specification passing through 60-day public comment. RNS Operations - Naming operations - Implicit operations - Extensibility operations RNS IteratorContext - temporal resource RNS Entry - Basic properties - Reference properties can be add new QName by extensibility operations RNS Recent Revisions - Logical Name - Behavioral description of an Alias - IteratorContext - Referral Messages - Addition of Faults - RNSBaseFault, JunctionFault, EntryNotFoundFault, DirectoryNotEmptyFault, InvalidPropertyFault C: ExistFault (create), TypeFault (update) are required. D: PermissionFault depends on security standardization. Need to discuss this feature in Grid File System Architecture Document involving with related Working Groups. * RNS/VFDS Demonstration - ls (set name, set all) - owner (extended property) - referral