EGR-RG session GGF13 Seoul, Wednesday 3:30 PM-5:00 Attendance about 30 Co-Chairs: Toshiyuki Nakata, Ravi Subramaniam Secretary: Satoshi Itoh Note takers: Satoshi Itoh * Sign-up sheet * Status of the RG (Toshiyuki Nakata) (Slide for this presentation is uploaded on GridForge.) * Template for usecase (Robert Fogel) * Discussion for document and plan * Status of the RG (Toshiyuki Nakata) Toshi explained the progress at and after GGF12. (refer the slide uploaded in the GridForge) At the GGF12: We had a good workshop with 5 speakers. We discussed about the definition of Enterprise Grid and the usecase document. We decided to collect the documents from workshop talks and other speakers at the plenary sessions. OGSA usecases are useful for our purpose. Ravi uploaded the current usecases to GridForge. After GGF12: There are nearly no post and no input to ML. Ravi and Robert worked on the template for the usecase documents. * Template for usecase (Robert Fogel) Robert explained the template for usecase document. (refer the usecase template uploaded in the GridForge) First we need to finalize the template. The template will be sent to GGF members and the usecase will be gathered from community. Those usecases are analyzed and categorized into several patterns. From common patterns, what enterprise grid is can be extracted. Some terms have been discussed. 1.3 category * Scope: Business process, tool, domain application, infrastructure Q: are these samples? A: Yes. * Organization Type: Company, university, national lab, Q: automobile, aerospace, etc. type of segment should be add? A: those are in 1.4.3. Q: organization is not only for industrial ? A: Collect widely and extract enterprise grid from them. The enterprise grid may be extracted from universal usecase. Management of computer center in the university may be useful. “Target perspective” should be added. 1.4 Perspective ”Application type: CAD, risk analytics, etc.” should be added. 1.4.4 expectation There are two types of expectation. 1) new usage by grid, 2) change in usage. Q: For example, ROI would be twice. The business values are good keywords, such as lower cost, greater efficiency, new value to customers, increased reliability, easy use, sharing of resources. A: Those should be add in the 1.5 Motivation. 1.5 Motivation The biz value: lower cost, greater efficiency, new value to customers, increased reliability, easy use, sharing of resources, are added. # “Motivation” will be merged with 1.7 “Goals”. 1.7 Goals 1.7.1 problem 1.7.2 benefits or value Q: These should be merged with Motivation. A: Right. 1.5 Motivation has been moved into 1.7 Goals. 1.7.1 and 1.7.2 should be merged with 1.5 “Motivation”. 1.8 Standards How do the standards help the enterprise grid? Need the specification? * Discussion for document and plan Who can provide the usecas? - Toshi can provide three usecases from Business Grid PJ. - Satoshi can provide one usecase from GridASP PJ. Usecases from workshop at GGF12. Ask speakers to prepare the usecase according to the template. Milestone to the document. While working on the template, create usecase of our own experiences in order to see how they fit. (2-3 weeks) - While working on the template, create usecases of our own experiences in order to see how they fit. (2-3 weeks) - Go crazy to collect the use cases Solicit requirements from every people involved. (April-May) - Deadline for providing the template: end of April - Define a time line for the broadcast. Go out May: Ask for answers (by end of May – Beginning of June) - Try to do the analysis (First half of June) - Pattern requirements Analysis: Discuss the results @GGF14 Meeting (26th – 30th June) Closing the session by Toshi.