Session 1 - 22/9/04 at 09:00 ---------------------------- Chris Kantarjiev speaks first to explain the motivation for INFOD. He emphasises that it addresses both push and demand driven publication. See slides. Susan Malaika presents an overview of the Use Cases. See slides. It was suggested that classifying the use cases according to their characteristics would be useful. The relationship with DAIS was then discussed (while Susan's laptop recovers). It was generally recognised that there was considerable uncertainty and that the relationship should be clarified. This would be done mainly by e-mail. It was agreed that we should collaborate/integrate as much as possible Norman Paton observed that pub/sub does not occur much because often people have passive systems - and therefore use add-hoc mechanisms. We need to make systems active. Dieter replied that this was his view of what INFOD would do. Dave Pearson suggested that people need education - to think in terms of pub/sub. Session 2 - 22/9/04 at 19:30 ---------------------------- The Use Cases were discussed and the document ( updated. Session 3 - 23/0/04 at 09:00 ---------------------------- There was further discussion on the Use Case document.