GGF12 OGSA EMS design team session #2 ===================================== Sept. 22 (Wed), 1:30-3pm D008 note: Hiro Kishimoto * Ravi goes over his slides. Ravi is going to list up related WG/works starting from his list. Hiro: They did modeling of queuing system but does not do generic scheduler. Jay: they are doing very good job with WS-CIM WG. Andrew: Chris says CSF well fit current EMS. Jay: Within next 6 month, we should complete sure spec of very small set of services. Ravi: We will collect information from all related WGs to find out what they will do and identify gaps, we may tackle. Jay: List up existing work and ask them to come back again 6 month later is risky. we should draw up expected services, e.g. "job", and ask experts to do such and such things. Ravi: But we don't have any information now. Jay: "job model" has very critical problems. Hiro: Let's table process discussion and start roll call (WS listing up) as our first step. Ravi: (to audience) Please explain what are you doing. Ramin: usecase and scheduling description. EMS should leave room for general description are the sub-component is flexible enough? Andrew: current breakdown is for maximize flexibility. you can compose any of these when coding. They work on requirement capture. Ali: Description language for job. Scheduling and management is out side of scope. Term language and structure for the job. Want to understand the EMS's concepts and see how it fit to our work. Dejan: We do "deployment." Deployment includes 1) bring things in, 2) configuring, 3) Life cycle management. We will define a) language, b) basic service interface, c) component semantics. By next GGF, we will complete our specs. LM is just for deployment. We don't support versioning. (hope ACS does this) Now we have very limited deployment APIs. Looking forward to support lifecycle events. Resource allocation is out side of scope. Other efforts in this space; CDML, IBM Solution Installation. Hiro: CDDLM is a client of ACS. Ravi: Dynamic deployment is required. For that, you should record all modifications for backup recovery. We have such implementation already. Pate: We should draw line between application parameters and job parameters. Ravi: Does CDDLM use job model for deployment? do you use any container model for you deployment? Steve: No, but it may help. Dejan: Do not widen CDDLM's scope now. This gap analysis is the same as we found at our demo. Ravi: Each company do its own development already, but for interoperability how to connect them is issue. Ravi: When you want to install OS in the box, what software should run on the box? Big picture should be combine all these pieces together. Darren Pulsipher (chair) Bill is creating new WG UT WG - DMTF DCML - OASIS WSDM - OASIS CIM - DMTF WSRF- OASIS (basic) Bill: Focused interim F2F meeting works and helps.