GGF12 OGSA EMS design team session #1 ===================================== note taker: Hiro Kishimoto, Andreas Savva Sept. 21 (Tues), 9am-10:30am, VUB D005 * Early discussion - IP Policy note - Agenda * OGSA v2 process by Hiro Hiro gives general (not EMS specific) explanation of process and deliverables of the series of OGSA v2 documents. Ramin (GSA-RG co-chair) explains the work of GSA-RG. Hiro: What's your definition of "schedule" Ramin explains their (broader) definition of schedule, it includes brokering, reservation, local and global scheduling. Hiro shows OGSA demand-supply diagram and asks GSA-RG if it is compatible to their view GSA-RG says some terms in the diagram has no definition, thus it is unclear what they mean. * EMS presentation by Ravi ** Job explanation (p11) - Relationship between job and task - Ramin: Does job consist of multiple tasks? - Ravi: Yes, it does. - (Note: Ravi's explanation is that job contains 'tasks'; this is not the same 'task' term used in v1 so it is confusing) - Why make a distinction between job and workflow? From the client's point of view the job even if it is a workflow is a 'single' job. - Working definition of (OGSA) 'job' is different - Specific interfaces not described; still at abstract level - JSDL does not describe job state; only describes the job description at submission time ** Job manager (p12) - Why is job manager a proxy for job? - Job manager can manage collection of jobs - Q: Can workflow manager be a JM? Ravi: Yes. - JM is optional; don't need to have it for every job - Job grouping can be based on some property (e.g., jobs belong to a workflow) or could be some user defined grouping. - But these are different functionalities, even though the i/f might look very similar. - GSA: Current EMS architecture seems to depend too much depend on existing schedulers. - Hiro: We start from existing ones but make it generic. - Definition of job manager seems overly complex; proposal to simpify by specifying only the minimum required functionality first - E.g., drop stuff like 'can provide job steering...' - Just a job factory and collection portypes; not yet a service (that is implementation) ** Services to manage/driver resources (p13) - Why does it include job steering/scheduling functions - Why is it different from 'scheduling' e.g., preemption - Introduce the idea of being able to modify the schedule plan during execution; after the initial schedule is formulated - Why is this separation of functions necessary (eps, csg)? - It is possible to have various interfaces implemented by a single service; specify them separately to allow various compositions - Candidate set generator - Does not include temporal constraints; split up to 'identify' separate phases - But in practice these phases are closely intertwined; there is an iteration between the static & dynamic phases - Probably documentation gives the wrong impression; phases are not expected to be separated in an airtight manner.