GGF12 OGSA EMS design team session #1 ===================================== note taker: Hiro Kishimoto Sept. 21 (Tues), 9am-10:30am, VUB D005 * Early discussion - IP Policy note - Agenda * OGSA v2 process by Hiro Hiro gives general (not EMS specific) explanation of process and deliverables of the series of OGSA v2 documents. Ramin (GSA-RG co-chair) explains the work of GSA-RG. Hiro: What's your definition of "schedule" Ramin explains their (broader) definition of schedule, it include brokering, reservation, local and global scheduling. Hiro shows OGSA demand-supply diagram and ask to GSA-RG if it is compatible to your view? GSA-RG says some terms in the diagram has no definition, thus it is unclear what they mean. * EMS presentation by Ravi Q: Can workflow manager be a JM? Ravi: Yes. GSA: Current EMS architecture seems to too much depend on existing schedulers. Hiro: We start from existing ones but make it generic. Ramin: Does job consist of multiple tasks? Ravi: Yes, it does. * Naming service by Andrew Andrew goes over his slides; terms, transparency, and properties. He says our problem is not so much technical as political; Every SDOs and industrial players, e.g. IBM, HP, MS, DMTF, OASIS, WSDM, need naming service for distributed computing and they are under developing their own naming services. Since it is so important, it is not easy to agree on single naming services. Rough consensus is: Attaching statement about "check it if ok or not" to Andrew's naming document and bring it to them. A.I. Andrew will update his doc and sends it out to the list (DONE).