Transactions BoF-2, Hold on June, 9th 2004 at GGF11 - Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Chair (in place of real chairs [not present due to different reasons]): Dave Pearson (Oracle, UK) Attendance: 12 persons Use Cases: ********** Dieter Gawlick Messaging Environments and Transactions In addition to the previous BoF-1 on June, 8th, Dieter presented a more precise example of his use case scenario. The problem is an old, well-known one: Making a reservation for a journey including to book a flight, hotel, rent car and maybe additional leisure actitvities. The problem which might raise up in that scenario is, that it is necessary the hold locks on all involved ressources. Due to this is not always acceptable, locks are not hold for the whole transaction time. So it might happen, that a flight which was available at the start of the transaction is no longer available by the end of the reservation transaction, when the flight should be confirmed. Dieter presented an approach to this problem and calls it "Option Model". That means, that a transaction is going to lock only parts of a complex ressource and not the entire one. The main issue of that is to avoid compensation due to it might be very hard to realize it. Dieter mentioned the following To-Dos: - Developing an option model/language - Define protocols - Develop a prototype Discussion: The discussion brought out that Dieter's presented use case including the today's example is quite a good generic pattern for several other concret use cases located in different areas, such as: - Computing: Black Board Algorithm (Michael J. Beckerle, Ascential Software Corporation) - Roussource Allocation for distributed computing (Natawut Nupairoj, Ph.D., Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, THAILAND) - ?? Aggreement ?? (Savas Parastatidis, Jim Webber) The persons mentioned above will contribute a written form of their use cases to the RG via the mailing list. Furthermore, Daniel Schaller mentioned another possible use case which requires the support for transaction migration. However, Dieter said this would be already done by Oracle. The techique is called Resonance (URL:, pages: 9--10). Anyway, Daniel is going to post a more precise description of his use case to highlight the differences to Resonance and to emphasize the possible necessities for the support of transaction migration in the Grid. Once all the persons have submitted their use cases, the RG will look at them in detail and will find out if existing specifications can offer solutions to these problems or not. First results should be available for GGF12! Charter discussion: ******************* All the present persons agreed with the proposed charter including - Goals: ok - Project Task: ok - Milestones: ok - Lifetime: The life time of the RG will probably not infinite. Furhtermore, it was agreed, that for further meetings AT LEAST one of the chairs will be present. By GGF12 in Brussels, the group shall be confirmed as a RG by and within the GGF. It was suggested, that the chairs should bring this forward within the next weeks. All the presented slides will be made available through the web site of the RG at Mahalo! See you at GGF12 in Brussels, Belgium - September 20-23, 2004 ------------------ General Information: WWW:[net|org] (to be set up) GridForge Site: Mailing List: Mailing List Archive: