OGSA AuthZ WG Meeting, June 8, 2004 Von opens meeting 8:02 am Intellectual Property Policy Agenda - Attribute document update - AuthZ Service Interface Update - Group Charter - Future plans Mary presents update on Attribute document - Changes since GGF 10, added X.509 profile and comments from Frank Siebenlist - discussion of OIDs for X.509 profile - Markus will add OID structure proposed by David/Vincenzo for - discussion of Frank's comments, - identity just another type of attribute -> we will not define an identity attribute, but identity attribute may become more important and more widely used Frank will propose changes to introductory text along the lines of "Entities are described by attributes" - discuss resource attribute -> attributes can be used universal also by resources, e.g. clearance level of the resource, membership in group of resources - discussion of privilege attribute Von: looser coupling between privilege attribute issuer and consumer than authZ decision makes priv. attribute priv. attribute created before action authZ. decision created based on action -> discuss in "focus group meeting" AuthZ Interface Document (Von) Implementations in PERMIS, DCMS, GT 3.3 Changes to document since January came out of implementation experiences Charter Reduction (Von) No substantial work on policy side, propose to remove this from charter (e-mail May 12th) Frank provides XACML update: Design for delegation of rights in XACML is being codified Von: What do you think about XrML? Frank: Language is very rich and fit requirements, but it is unclear how one could deal with intellectual property issues For the future: go ahead with XACML, but keep in mind that XrML will be on every single microsoft machine Von: Brief talk about requirements document, need to be reviewed if it is still accurate and applicable Von: Timeline, a little bit behind anticipated timeline, but OK. Plan is to submit documents before next GGF. Mary: Would propose to finish documents in the next 2-3 weeks and put them out for last call. Von: Yes for SAML document, Attributes document pending issues to be resolved Von: Should we do an XACML Workshop to capture the experiences the community has?