Minutes from the GSA RG meeting at GGF11, 8th of June 2004, 2.00-3:30 p.m. Minutes taken by Jarek Nabrzyski (JN), some additions by Ramin Yahyapour (RY) ---------- Attendance list was distributed. About 45-50 people participated. RY presented roughly the agenda of the meeting: 1. Update on the group goals and activities 2. Use case scenario presentations by KISTI and Platform 3. Presentation by OGSA WG 4. Update on the use case template 5. Future meetings and activities 6. Summary 1.1. RY gave a presentation on the group activities update. 1.2 RY presented the group goals and the main problems we want to tackle. He pointed out that we want to identify what services and what protocols for Grid Resource Management and Scheduling are needed. It is not about defining the scheduling algorithms. Nor creating a detailed specification. Question from the audience: how does it relate to the OGSA working group? Also, research group does not create the specification so, what do we want to do? RY: collect uses cases, derive requirements, and check with the available services, components and WG/RG activities including OGSA. Goal should be: getting a common understanding about the specific needs from a scheduling perspective and see where the existing things fit together. Identify gaps and deliver input to other groups. If necessary spin off new groups to close gaps. RY suggested to look at the OGSA use case doc which was made available for public .... Go through it and have a look. Action: Tomasz Haupt and Jarek Nabrzyski will work together on the OGSA use case document. 2.1. Use cases from Kisti (GRASP) were presented by Jaegyoon Hahm (KISTI, Korea). Quest: What is the timeframe of the project? - The system should be ready by the end of the year Quest: What are the scheduling criteria? - System can deal with multiple criteria 2.2. Use case Platform CSF were presented by Chris Smith (Platform, Canada). Quest: is there a well-defined information based for a scheduler? - arbitrary information can be stored into index server; depends on the community requirements Quest: Are workflows/co-alloctated resources supported? - co-allocation is not yet supported; would be interesting to add. Action: Slides to be sent on the mailing list and to be put on the GridForge. Discussion on technical issues of the presented systems took place. This closes the use case presentations. 3.1. Presentation on the OGSA-WG Execution management Services by Ravi Subramaniam from Intel. OGSA splits the execution management in a large set of services. RS agrees to serve as a liaison to OGSA WG. Due to time constraints not all questions could be answered. RY: Additional discussion to flesh out the interaction between these OGSA services would be beneficial. Discussion on the mailing list is encouraged. A follow-up session at GGF12 might help. 4. RY gives and update on the structure of use case template. Template is available on GridForge. Ramin will send the template to the group mailing list though. 5. Future activities and meetings 5.1 Work on the use cases document. Editors include: WG chairs, Chris Smith, KISTI representative. Call for volunteers is still open. A first draft version of the document should be ready by the GGF12 in Brussels. Work should start immediately. 5.2 The group will meet in Brussels, probably two slots should be scheduled. 5.3 RY: several people contacted directly the WG chairs. Discussion should be moved to the mailing list whenever possible. List currently has about 65 subscribers. 6. Ramin summarizes the meeting: - please send use cases - work on the document will start asap - next meeting in Brussels; contributions and suggestions are appreciated