EGR-RG BOF session GGF11 Hawaii, June 7 Monday 4:00 PM-5:30 Attendance about 50 Proposed Chairs: Toshiyuki Nakata, Ravi Subramaniam Secretary: Satoshi Itoh Note takers: Ravi Subramaniam, Satoshi Itoh * Sign-up sheet * Proposed Charter (Toshiyuki Nakata) (Slide for this presentation is uploaded on GridForge.) * Discussion -------------------- Summary of discussion * Definition of Enterprise Grid There may be several definitions of Enterprise Grid. Data Center, inside the enterprise, business applications (CRM, etc.) on Grid, engineering applications for business entities. The charter of this group should include the definition of Enterprise Grid. The definitions by other organizations, such as GMAC (GGF Market Awareness Committee), EGA (Enterprise Grid Alliance), should be referred. * Differences from other groups, OGSA-WG, PGM-RG OGSA-WG is just focusing on OGSA and the architecture in OGSA-Usecase. Enterprise grid is one of the targets in PGM (Production Grid Management)-RG, but PGM treats management for grid environment. This RG is focusing on requirements in the Enterprise space. * Milestone and output Common requirements, gap analysis and recommendations will be done based on the survey of enterprise grid. It is indicated that milestone of the final output, Dec. 2006, is too late. This group may have some output from the relationship with other standardization bodies, such as EGA and DMTF. * GGF12 Workshop The workshop should not be focused on only current implementation in the enterprise, but also planned implementation or challenge in the enterprise. It should be focused on the requirement from user-side. IT vendors, IBM, HP, Sun Microsoft etc., can present their enterprise grid. Open call for speakers may be good way to obtain potential speakers. * Discussion process The ML of this group is not active in these three months. Participants were asked to subscribe the ML. Some of participants feel that teleconference is not good way to discuss. Forum tool in GridForge is another choice to progress the discussion. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is the Ravi’s note which is not merged to the above summary. Please read both note, for your reference. ---------------------- begin ravi notes EGR-RG Notes: We need to define what we mean by Enterprise Grid. We already have the OGSA that has use cases. How is this different? why is the process taking so long? Enterprise grids are important. what are the objectives? Is that putting the cart before the horse? Start earlier. There is a liason for the EGA. What is the customer for the enterprise Grid? Missing another community (missing the CIO and give them a better idea for enterprise grid) and draw them in. CIO is confused by the definition of the Grid We have petabytes of information. What are the application areas that are ripe for deployment? What are the problem in the Grid? We need to find out what the problem. We will need to capture the Broaden the fulliment. Increase the number of drafts. You can answer the question of why to I care and weave the discussion into why should I migrate to the Grids. Focus of GGF 12 is the Enterprise Grids. We need a larger focus on enterprise. Survey of practices and challenges for the workshop. We need to be in a sucking in information. and have a pile or paper. Most of the enterprise. We don't have people selling Grid and bring your enterprise. We don't have people already selling to people that have deployed Grids. Enterprise that have Grid requirements. This may include Enterprise grids and other grids. Enterprise and have security You have more problems internally than externally. Grid specific application being deployed in the enterprise. Take current enterprise applications and make it Grid. Take today's enterprise loads (SAP, CRM, general ledger etc) and putting them on the Grid. ------------------------------------ end of ravi notes ----------------