CDDLM #4, Cross WG session, June 8, 2:30 - 4pm Chair: Dejan Milojicic Note Taker: Takashi Kojo The meeting is for discussing relationship to other groups in/outside GGF. Chairs from CMM, GRAAP and WSDM were presented. The meeting started from the diagram of CDDLM and other components (GRAAP/WS-A, DRMAA, WSDM/CMM, EMS, WS-RF/WS-N), questioning if there is anything missing on the diagram. About EMS: Comment: EMS tries to structure up from scratch. Comment: They are trying to strive for the concept. D: They seem to jump into design. F: They are framework for batch job. OGSA is aware of CDDLM. Not much discrepancy. Provisioning is yet well defined. Question: Is the CDDLM service MOWS or MUWS? It is MUWS. Target of the service is Application or WS. Comment: Provisioning, Deployment, Installation,... Not well defined terms. Q: What is relationship between WS-Agreement and CDDLM? Dj: CDDLM supplies XML-Description of deployment to WS-A. Q: What is the dependence between resources? Dj: JSDL -> WS-A -> Somebody -> CDDLM Q: Does CDDLM deal with negotiation? A: CDDLM is limited to deploying on the resources allocated somewhere else. H: About WSDM: one discussion is Resource oriented v.s. Agent oriented What is Agent? It is with Management Agent so that managed resource exposes just i/f Comment: DRMAA is all but submission. More on static environment. Q: Is it pre-Agreement? Comment: What are they doing in Workflow-RG? Their focus is on ordering or the services. Q: Is there any clear term definition about Resource? A: In CMM, it also includes OS, connectivity. Q: How about deploying connectivity? A: In long term. Q: What about deploying license? Q: Is it equivalent to allocate resource? About Demo: Comment: preferrable base tachnology is WS-RF/N. Comment: WSDM is going to have interop demo with HP, IBM and other (5 implimentations). Comment: DRMAA has two implementations. Comment: EMS and WS-A have just document. About Next Step: XML-CDL will be finalized. Detail discussion on Basic Services and Component Model. Workshop and Demo. Q: What drives the process? A: Interrop demo of simple scinarios Comment: Sun is interested in the introp demo. Dj: Where CDDLM should end up? Contributing to grid research? Do like WS-Deployemnt, donate to OASIS?