CDDLM-WG Session #2 ------------------- Basic Service Specification (See slides) Q: Basic Services or Basic Service A: Bsaic Services Q: What will they be called? A: CDDLM Basic Services Q: What about Basic Deployment Services A: Save this discussion for later O Agenda Q: Do we want to expose what happens behind the scenes? E.g., the fabric onto which the service is deployed A: We want to hide the details as much as possible unless necessary, such as the fabric O Structure of CDDLM Q: What is the relationship between a component and a service? A: Component is the model, service is the implementation of the model. Q: Is the model that deployed components map to service endpoints? A: Yes Q: So, services are component implementation A: Yes, but component is an implementation of the deployment service... O Simplest Deployment o CDDLM assumes several external components * Not important how they are implemented Q: We would like to discuss job submission with JSDL people A: Not really JSDL's purpose, but sure. O Simple Deployment O Advanced Reservation o This is just one example from many possible approaches O Re-provisioning o Assumes redeploying something already deployed and running Q: How do we proceed when there are so many other working groups in these same spaces? A: For the moment we can ignore everything outside of the CDDLM interface Q: We still don't know the list of questions, such as whether CDDLM is stateless or not. Do we plan to make a list of options and what are we going to do with the list? A: All these other pieces of the scenarios are only for validation of CDDLM. Q: Why does the return go through CDDLM (see slide) A: Because CDDLM has to keep track of everything A: This is just one possible option A: CDDLM is not fire-and-forget. It needs to know when things end so it can undeploy. Q: State is optional A: State is not optional because components can be managed through the entire component lifecycle, which requires state Q: Job manager can maintain the state instead of CDDLM A: That still counts as CDDLM... We'll argue about it later o The point here is to prevent spending several hours starting up before realizing that it can't be done O Implementation Notes O Relationship btw CDL and BS Lifecycle Management o From Jun's slides O Relationship bwt Component Model and BS O System Structure o From Jun's slides O Service Propogation Rules o The question is how we can identify a set of components to which a service can be applied. Q: Which makes sense, and what do you want to move forward on? A: Uh? No commont. o Many of these have already been implemented by SmartFrog * Not introducing complexity -- it's already there in SmartFrog o More sophisticated models o Exception handling is also a potential source of complexity * Mitigate by using a plugable execution handler O Services O Service Interfaces O Deployment Profiles Q: What are the basic services? Can we agree on them? Deploy, undeploy, maybe reconfigure... A: Those are basic internal services Q: I expect CDDLM basic services to be what CDDLM offers to the world. What are those? A: 2 services: register for deployment and deployment. Undeployment is elsewhere A: Deploy (with flags) and Undeploy. A: Good if Basic Services looks like a component, we can aggregate. A: Deploy and Undeploy are fundamental. Others come from components Q: What then about reconfiguration? Is it WSDM's problem? A: Hard to do generically. No right answer. Q: When we do these specs and we identify issues, what is the required level of stability for submission? A: It's up to you. If you declare it's done, it's done. You can publish errata for small issues. Big issues require resubmission. To prevent problems, understand your scope. Q: If we come out with a 1.0, can we then come of this a 2.0 the next year? A: Sure. Don't submit something you know will be out of date before end of the public comments. Q: We need to nail down minimum required services and minimum required deployment attributes A: That's a little more than we had planned for A: Implementation will help with definition Q: Can we do some kind of JSDL integration demo for next GGF? A: JSDL has no API, but you can integrate our XML at will Q: The purpose of the demo is to show cooperation. Are you guys interested? A: Sure Q: Back to reconfigure/change. Include it as a basic service? A: Dangerous. Very hard to do generically. Q: What kind of changes do we want to allow? More or less reprovisioning? A: That's one category Q: I.e. additional components to deploy A: Yep A: There are some change scenarios that make sense generically, but it's complicated Q: The plan is to verify definitions through demos A: Yes Q: Should CDDLM be resource aware or not? Does CDDLM parse resources? Fundamental design decision A: Must know what resources onto which we're deploying Q: Can't that be pushed off to a local resource manager? Does CDDLM need to know about things like number of processors and memory? A: Need to know where a service is going, but beyond that, maybe not. Q: What exactly are we asking? A: Do we get a list of resources that CDDLM can qualify and deploy services to intelligently, or does CDDLM just get a mapping of services to resources from some other service A: Let's assume we're given a mapping