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Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 9:34 AM
Subject: [cddlm] GGF11 Meeting #1 Notes: XML CD Language Specification

Notes from CDDLM-WG Working Session 1 @ GGF11

Date: June 7th, 2004

Author: Peter Toft


Introduction (Dejan): Overview of the CDDLM meetings for this week


Advance notice of the WSDM introduction session (Fred Maciel) – important for understanding the relationship to CDDLM. 4pm Tuesday 8th.


Presentation of the XML CDL specification (Jun):


Jun’s presentation:


-          Cddlm introduction / review

-          Mapping into the provisioning cycle

-          Model for deployment

-          CDDLM Document Suite – foundation document, SmartFrog-based CDL, XML-based

-          Configurable components

-          Use of CDL for individual configurable components

-          Systems: compositions of components

-          Deployment services

-          The two CDLs: SmartFrog and XML-CDL


Note that the SF CDL is intended to be more user-friendly / user-tractable, while the XML CDL is more standardised, is the interop format (i.e. we can translate from various front ends into the XML form), but is less user-friendly to use directly.


Q. What is the “truth” of the configuration, what is definitive? Is it SmartFrog CDL or is it the XML CDL into which SmartFrog is translated?

A. Various front ends can be used, output from all can be captured as XML; they are just different representations of the same logical constructs.


Q. Is XML CDL a front-end language, also?

A. XML CDL is intended to be a common interop CDL, into which we can translate a number of front-end languages. It could also be used directly as a front-end language. It is not clear that the reverse translation is possible; probably not.


Walk through the specification:


-          Modes of attributes (required, automatic, …)

-          Use of the automatic keyword – note this probably means we cannot translate from XML CDL -> SF, though there are similarities with LAZY. This is discussed in the appendix of the specification.

-          Inheritance mechanisms

-          References are done using XPath – examples are in the presentation and in the document

-          References: using functions

-          Import: we use generic URIs, so we can import remotely from http servers.

-          Discussion of relationship between CDL and Basic Services L/Cycle Management.


Q. “Cyclic” components – e.g. retrying a component until some state is achieved – can these semantics be accommodated?

A. Yes, if we develop deployment components that embody these special semantics; that interpret their configuration data in ways that give you the desired deployment behaviour.


Comment: Note that (unlike in slide 30), in SF we actually decouple deployment sequencing from reference resolution sequencing – so actually they are independent. We step components through their lifecycle in an orderly fashion for this very reason – so that components can make certain assumptions about the state of the rest of the components at various phases in their lifecycle.


Q: Are there problems related to time: time for deployment, handling exceptions when things don’t happen in time?

A. Again, we can build component deployers that embody these semantics – e.g. have a timeout which results in component undeployment if the component has not terminated in a given time period.


Q What are the next steps:

A. Check that we can translate from SF to CDL XML. Create examples in the XML CDL to add to the document.


Q: Should we be pushing out our documentation more frequently?

A, / Comment: Put more work into the working group; limit the number of unfinished documents we push out.


Advance notice of our proposed workshop at GGF12.

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