The CMM-WG will have one session in GGF10, in March 12, 8:30 a.m. - 10 a.m., room 2014B The main objectives of the sessions are: (1) Introduce the contents of the OASIS WSDM specs and explain their plans For more information on WSDM, their web page is at: (2) Explain and discuss the contents of the Gap Analysis document The document will be posted in the week before GGF10 at: The agenda (still preliminary) is: (a) Early discussion (attendance list, note taker assignment, etc.) - 5 minutes (b) Background on current activities (collaboration with OASIS WSDM, gap analysis) and updates for people not attending teleconferences - 5 minutes (c) Introduction to the WSDM specs and plans - 30 minutes (d) Review and discussion of the gap analysis document - 45 minutes (e) Future plans - 5 minutes