GGF10 CA Ops WG Meeting Wed Mar 10 2004 1530-1700 Agenda ( 1. Review minutes of GGF9, 5 minutes, Tony Genovese 2. PKI Disclosure Statement update, 15 minutes, Tony Genovese 3. Grid PMA Model Charter discussion, 30 minutes, Tony Genovese, Peter Gietz 4. New proposed document, OCSP Requirements, 30 minutes, Milan Sova, Tony Genovese 5. Open discussion and next steps, 10 minutes 6. International efforts EGEE - Florence TERENA - Top level registry Summary: - PKI Disclosure Statement document should be up for public review within the next few weeks. - WG members please review PMA Model Charter document within the next two weeks and submit statements of support if your community is using this document. Plan to submit after that to secretariate. - OCSP requirements document was accepted as a new work item for this working group. Draft will be ready for GGF11. Target last call on this document for GGF13 (one year). - Note EGEE kick-off meeting this month in Florence. See - Note TERENA top-level CA registry: - Dane is looking for authors for a GGF standards document on credential management / renewal for long-running jobs. Please contact if you're interested. - Note DOE Grids CA advisory committee formed. See - Security Area meeting Friday 0830 (room 3075). Minutes: Tony asked for comments on the GGF9 minutes. There were none. Tony reviewed the GGF IP policy and passed around the sign up sheet. Two active papers in the WG: - PKI disclosure statement - In the editor and up for steering group review. Should be reviewed within weeks. - PMA model charter - DOE grids is an example PMA using this charter. - EG PMA basing their charter on this document. - Community best practice document. - Reviewed in Tokyo GGF7. Update reviewed at GGF9. Tony updated recently to address all outstanding comments. - Ready for last call? Tony recommends we give the working group 2 weeks to review the final draft. If no comments, submit to steering group. - How many have read last update? Only Tony. - Dane commented that GFSG has concerns about community practice documents. Intended to have broad adoption by community. Must have evidence that this describes broad community practice. Otherwise, should be informational. - Two PMAs (EDG, DOE Grids) using it should document their support. Discussion of OCSP requirements document: New submission. WG should decide whether to take on this document (and update charter). Current practice in grids is for relying parties to retrieve certificate revocation lists (CRLs) periodically (daily/weekly/monthly). OCSP protocol supported by DOE Grids CA. OpenSSL 0.9.7 and later supports OCSP. Globus Toolkit 3.2 supports OpenSSL 0.9.7. Netscape supports OCSP. Internet Explorer doesn't support OCSP currently but there are 3rd party plugins and the next version of IE will support it. Java 1.4.2 supports it. Comment from Frank: How does it relate to XKMS? Problems with CRLs: Authentication fails if can't retrieve CRL. Who signs CRL response? DOE Grids subordinate CA. Responder's certificate contains a key usage extension that authorizes it? A community practice document? Not being practiced yet. Work that out after the paper is written. Implementation issues: - OCSP service discovery (DNS SRV? AIA extension in EE certs?) - See RFC 3280 - Configuration of servers - OCSP proxy to cross firewalls - Web service / OGSA wrapper (???) - Could help with firewalls? - Certificate validation service (XKMS?) - XKMS server is an OCSP client - Reliability, fault handling - Good software defaults and configuration file - How to choose among multiple services? Making client more complicated? - How to deal with OCSP "unknown" response? - Fail safe? - Caching, chaining, referrals - How do you validate the OCSP response? Signed by subordinate CA? - Ask OCSP responder for revocation status of OCSP certificate? - How to you revoke OCSP certificate? - Higher level CA with CRL. - Short-lived OCSP responder certificates - Do you trust a responder for other CA's CRLs? ESnet now providing experimental OCSP service at - responds using CRLs from CAs at - Pulls CRLs nightly Is a push model better? Push CRLs to OCSP responders? Allows faster update. Document currently in outline form. 3 authors identified. Tony asked, does WG object to taking this document on? Would specify requirements above RFC 2560 for OCSP use in grids. Intention is to provide OCSP as a grid-level (VO level?) service. Each PMA provides the service? An OCSP profile for grids? A grid-wide CRL distribution mechanism? Provide rules for every CA running an OCSP? OCSP operational requirements. No objections raised. Added as new work item. No objections fitting this document in this WG. Target last call in 3 GGF meetings (one year). Draft by Honolulu. Is XKMS related? XKMS allows you to outsource complete certificate validation to a service (path validation, obtain attribute certificates). Path validation is very complicated, with bridge CAs, etc. XKMS service can be an OCSP client. XKMS outside of scope for CA ops? XKMS is separate from OCSP question. Should proceed with OCSP work in any case. Perhaps create a new working group for XKMS? Note EGEE kick-off meeting this month in Florence. See for information. Note TERENA top-level CA registry. Just lists CAs and certificates without any auditing or requirements. Only academic CAs can join. Comment: Also include signing policies, i.e., register CA namespace, to detect accidental namespace collisions. Dane: No standard for managing credentials for long-running jobs and credential renewal. Looking for authors. How does this relate to robot certificates? Robots expected to have access to long-term certificate and key. Robot certificate draft put out for last call. Mary: Advisory committee formed for DOE Grids CA. Please see Do other CAs have user advisory panels? What input are they getting? Thinking of setting one up for GridCanada. Meeting adjourned.