EGR-RG BOF session GGF10 Berlin, Thursday 4:00 PM-5:30 Attendance about 130 Proposed Chairs: Toshiyuki Nakata, Ravi Subramaniam Secretary: Satoshi Itoh Note takers: Hiro Kishimoto, Jem Treadwell, Ravi Subramaniam, Satoshi Itoh * Sign-up sheet * Background of this RG (Charlie Catlett) * Proposed Charter (Toshiyuki Nakata) (Slide for this presentation is uploaded on GridForge.) * Discussion The Enterprise Grid Requirement-RG BOF was held on Thursday evening for GGF-10. Toshiyuki Nakata, NEC Ltd., led the BOF. About hundred and thirty people attended the BOF. What this RG should do was mainly discussed. However, consensus for the charter has not been obtained. Workshop and/or panel session @GGF11(“Enterprise Grid”) was proposed. Many people felt that the proposed milestone was too aggressive. At least people who attended indicated a strong interest in forming this group. The charter discussion will be continued on the ML. The points discussed at BoF are: * OGSA-WG has been working on use-cases including scientific and commercial scenarios, this RG has advantages: focusing on commercial area and including future application. * Gap analysis between user needs and what suppliers provide is very useful. * Because market research firms don\'t know new technologies, they can not do the gap analysis. That is GGF’s task. * There is difference between Telecom and commercial applications. * How commercial applications could be decomposed into useful web services is analyzed at OGSA-WG. But how enterprise grids (commercial applications) can be built using decomposed web services is useful experience. * This RG helps IT vendors to find out \"what are the requirements and approaches for changing enterprise IT system into a grid?\". * Workshop in June fits to the theme of GGF11, but it may be too aggressive. It is valuable to have panel session or half-day workshop at GGF11. So, EGR-RG will try to propose a workshop.