Humboldt University GGF10 GridFTP-WG(DATA) session March 11, 2004 GGF IP notice given Status of gridFTP docs GridFTP protocol Extension to FTP for the Grid Status of gridFTP v2.0 dev Unidirectional data transfers Ordering of PASV/PORT and STOR/RETR combine cmds into one. proposal in gridforge. Disconnection of idle control channels question from allcock: has any one seen this disconnect problem 2-hands yes Matt (Fermi): should'nt it send back file size. Igor: not needed Mullen (IBM): why isn't IEFT addresssing this problem ans: asked IETF, not responded Allcock: 3 have seen the problems, why are the rest of you here and are we address these problems Igor: to findout about newftp not wuftp Igor: we will be using gridFTP more in the future Igor: who SRM will relate to SRM Allcock: GridFTP is only a transport Control of contents and frequence of server feedback Unreliable EOF communication Data integrity verification new cmds to send/query chksum value for a file to prevent corruption OTW (not for security) only for reliability. Current proposal is to cksum file or portion of file The other proposal is to tell the sever that a file of cksum XX is coming. Structured dir listing support for IPv6 adopt IETF stds Packed transfers How about dynamo? Matt (Fermi): we need to specify this in the protocol Allcock: How to we specify this for all of the different functions and services Mullen (IBM) is there a need for an extensible protocol to announce or query for extensible services such as foo or dynamo Allcock: can you write a proposal? Felxible striping Allcock: At the end of this month (for close friends and family) the newFTP will be out a direct replacement, all functionality relating to the gridFTP std are implemented. XIO api is implemented. Running over UDT with one line change. Compression stuff is one way to take advantage for Performance is better by 10% over wuFTP. Simple client and server written in python Implemented S and X mode of data transfers Can transfer any direction in relation to firewalls blocking SYN Data flow is indepent of data socket connection Dynamic bandwidth allocation: data channels can be gracefully closed/opened at any time (e.g. 10 connections for 1 transfer, server can gracefully close some of the 10 without terminating the transfer) Implemented optional cksum verification of data block protection of data channel of transmission errors Matt (fermi): do we need to change our apps Allcock: working it out, two methods one way is such that apps do not need to change. Anyone who wrote and ftp put, it works. I cannot break the install base. Igor: resends won't work in our case, we need to get together after this meeting and work this out. Matt (fermi): if I write directly to tape how does resend work? Allcock: Nobody I know of, writes directly to tape. Igor: demo on extended block mode transfer demo multi channel small transfer question: protocol for sliced data 1T of NT Igor: prtocol does not care Allcock: protocol ok for 64 bit offset / pointer map; we have moved 400G file Igor: demo continued bad network connection where some resends requiredd Future of GridFTP Goal: produce GridFTP v2.0 draft doc by GGF11 Deadline for proposals: April 16, 2004 Summarize received proposals into draft doc Continue working on prototypes Present draft doc and experience with prototypes during GGF11 Matt (fermi): Would the WG be open to protection of data against malicious altering Allcock: yes were open to anything, we can go over ssh but most don't like the preformance hit. Allcock: plese participate in the email group if solving the steams issue, we can't change mode S. Any thing on the wire changes the RFC. Igor: we can do that, for discussion later Please share your experience with the new protocol. Allcock: Berkley wrapped the library in python. there is a java client available Someone (Corrie of SourceForge) offered to do the server in Java Allcock: How many used urlcopy, (observes 1/2) How many have implemented in code (most in C, some in java) Allcock: nicFTP (ncsftp client was modified for authentication) Dicuss and anounce email list sent out that nicFTP can corrupt data and don't use it, instead use uberFTP and alt (ALT) google search is the better client If you see bugs, put it in bugzilla. Allcock: Thanks for comming, I'm available for questions.