The GGF14 INFOD session on Tuesday 28 June 2005 was well attended. You can find the session charts here: You can find the latest working group documents here: The following people presented during the session: - Overview (Dieter Gawlick, Chris Kantarjiev) - Specification (Cecile Madsen) - Use Cases (Steve Fisher, Stephen Davey) These included NetxGrid Animation, RGMA Network Monitoring, and Sensornet - Issues (Steve Fisher) This section included next steps for processing issues - Relationships and Next Steps (Susan Malaika) There was some discussion with: - Dave Berry (OGSA Data Architecture) on the relationship of INFOD with Data Transfer (Members of the INFOD working group attended the subsequent OGSA Data Architecture Data Transfer session) - David Martin on the INFOD Data Architecture (The conclusion was that the charter revision should be discussed in the INFOD working group, e.g., on one of the calls) The relationship with the GGF ORep working group was also been mentioned. Cecile Madsen will work with Ann Chervenak to clarify Susan Malaika