This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/9544?download= at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 18:54:15 GMT Grid Forum User Services -- March 2000 meeting minutes

GF-User Services Working Group
Minutes from March 2000 Meetings


Initial 1-hour meeting, 3/22/00

-          Covered the working description of the group developed last meeting.  Asked for comments from old and new attendees.  Consensus was to leave the description unchanged.

-          Jim Ferguson volunteered as Secretary.

-          Covered the working set of goals.  Three goals are 1) Identify services and tools for support staff and end-users; 2) Build a clearinghouse containing information about the grid; 3) Assume role as support staff/end-user advocate.

Discussion of goals:  Perhaps we should add as a goal to have liaisons with each of the other groups.  We had volunteers last meeting but no list was made.  Added fourth goal of  “Create liaison roles to GF WGs”.

  Volunteers taken to serve as liasons--

Account management:  Steve Quinn

Apps & Tools:  Chuck Niggley

Information:  Sarita Salm

Grid Performance: 

Security:  George Myers

Programming Models: 


Remote Data Access:  Jim Ferguson

General discussion on some specific things that we might want to do, but sort of outside the role a goal list and more into projects.  Also, how do we “roll out” or publicize the services now available, including training and individual project bootstrapping.  Added “evangelize GF externally” to third goal.

Discussed adding user interfaces/portals to our goals somehow.  User Services needs to influence some of the content included in user portals now being developed.  A suggestion was made that we need to step back first and perhaps do a “glossary” of some sort to help educate newer grid users.  For some definitions we would have to do an RFC type document, since there would be some disagreement among the “best” definition for various term we netheads use.  An RFC or definition of what is “highly desirable” in a user portal from user services point of view should be discussed. 

Collecting support models from different communities was thought to be useful, perhaps pointing toward an informational RFC.  How PACI partners, NASA, DoE, etc. support their users should be conglomerated and sifted for common elements.

Another comment was made that the User Services WG should be the main conduit for finding the means to get information to the external world.  This might be what we do with the Clearinghouse, which is noted under goal #2.  At least the information will be at home there.  Workshops, etc., would not be originated with the GF (at least initially), but might be promoted or jointly sponsored, etc.  George Brett described the NLANR Clearinghouse project that he is heading.

Day #2 agenda was presented.  There was a suggestion of monthly teleconferences to discuss progress and raise issues amongst group.


March 23, 2000, Extended Meeting


 Attending:  Rita Williams(co-chair), John Towns(co-chair), Jim Ferguson, George Brett, Steve Quinn, Glenn Bresnahan, Laura Nett-Carrington, Chuck Niggley, George Myers, Greg Cates, Sarita Salm, Ethan Alpert, Judith Utley, Mark Trobian, Aon Tesani, Aram Kevorkian, Ed Hanna, Keith Thompson, Leigh Ann Tanner, Sridhar Gullapalli

Rita recapped our group description and goals.  Went over agenda:


                Charlie Catlett added:  Do we need a User Services WG?

                Outline work needed to be done for each of the goals

                Define a deliverable for each of the goals

                Roll up the outlined work and deliverable for each goals into a task area

Do we need a WG for User Services?  Spirited debate for over one hour.

                Charlie C. pointed out that perhaps we in the User Services need to be more deeply involved in the other working groups, to the point of giving up the “working group” title/function for User Services.  This might be done by providing an alternate forum for this group to get together to allow the member to spread out into the other working groups.  This would be a way to be involved in all the other WG, and still come together to do specific User Services tasks we want to accomplish.  J.Towns opined that none of the goals outlined the previous day were so imperative that we should sacrifice the opportunity to participate in all of the other WG as user advocates.  Also we would keep a role as reviewer of other WG RFC’s to provide comment from the user perspective.  R.Williams agreed with the points put forth by Catlett and Towns, but pointed out that User Services as a venue for solving users’ problems and solving support tools issues for support staff is quite important as well.  G.Brett talked about higher education users waiting for things to come together from the Grid Builders and waiting to jump in.  He says to expect an exponential increase in less sophisticated Grid users soon after many of the pieces go into place for using the Grid effectively.  Williams does not think we can do both—getting involved w/other WG and focused User Services issues.  Another opinion put forward was that perhaps these two activities are separated, as in pre-production and production.  S.Salm pointed out that a User Services function is needed even in pre-production to report back problems with the early release of the Grid environment.  Towns put forth that we are not a Grid US Organization for all grids, but a loose organization that would share experiences.  S.Quinn said that we should lay out a framework for reporting and interacting with each other’s individual grids.  Catlett indicated that he thinks the Grid Forum user services people are not here to sharpen their user services skills or methods, but to learn how the Grid World works at the development level in the other WG’s.  Williams pointed out that you need to address the user services issues before the Grid goes “production”, and Catlett agreed, but felt user services people needed to have a better understanding of the underlying technology to address the user services issues.

Catlett pointed out that many persons even in HPC centers have little idea of what the Grid will mean to their future work.  Another participant suggested that the user services WG be in a position to educate new contributors to the Grid Forum.  Catlett pointed out that there are no current consultants answering phone at HPC centers that have used Grids, like they have used HPC.  Towns suggested we still need to meet outside the other WG’s, to exchange information and perhaps create recommendations to each WG on which directions they need to go to assist users in making the Grid easier to use.  Williams worries about our recommendation having “teeth” with the other working group chairs.  Catlett pointed out that the recommendations would be better received if the person was working within the group to begin with, and perhaps shouldn’t be the reason we get together.  Catlett asked for a show of hands from the gathered working group to see how many were “closely involved” in one or more other working groups.  Approximately 75% responded positively to this query.  This fact impressed Catlett, along with the group’s passion to stay a Grid Forum WG.

Eat pizza.  Reconvene.

J.Towns says we should search for something we can do that’s important right now.  We decided to re-couch our goals, replacing the ones we had before.  Our previous goals were labeled as “visions” instead of goals.

Ideas for goals tossed about by G.Myers and R.Williams.  Producing a best practice document.  Producing a collection of information from the other working group’s actions, especially those that relate to traditional user services type issues (accounting, security, etc.).  Debating whether or not we need to do best practice for current non-grid type user services.  Collecting a future practices document (identifying user services issues) for Grid user services.  Perhaps building a clearinghouse of tools and other useful information that Grid user services staff would need/use to support users would be a good goal.  Debating being a central clearinghouse of documents of the Grid Forum.  Is this worthwhile?  Some utility is seen in providing this central location for WG drafts.  Discussing making a liaison’s role as keeping up with new drafts of RFC’s etc. appearing on web pages of other WG’s. 

We went over roles for liaisons.  Rita notes 4 possible projects.  John says we should concentrate on only 1 or 2 of these projects ahead of next meeting.  There is general agreement to this view.  G.Bresnahan makes a pitch to do a future practices type document first, in order to show the other WG’s what will be needed from their groups for Grid user services.  We also agreed that we could pretty easily knock off what our current practices are in another document.  Next, we discussed bringing together a web page of links to useful stuff.


Action items: 

George Myers volunteered to do a straw man outline of current practices.  When complete, representatives from other organizations will respond to the outline with their practices and they will be wrapped into the proposed document.

Please send edits or updates for document to

06 April 2000

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