Second Grid Forum Conference
User Services Work Group
October 19 to October 21, 1999 Northwestern University Chicago, Illinois
October 19 and October 20, Break Out Sessions Co-Chairs: John Towns and Rita Williamsfile:///E:/Globus/minutes/ggf3_minutes.html
SUMMARY MINUTES Issues to Address
Prior to this conference the question as to whether a User Services WG within a grid context was a premature undertaking was raised. Clearly, before moving forward to comply with the objectives set forth by the forum for the WGs this issue had to be resolved.
During the course of the discussion, the group collectively agreed that: * There was a definite need for user advocacy in a grid environment, and * To be most effective user services should evolve in tandem with the other WGs in the forum; therefore, * Now is the time to devote resources to determining the needs of a grid user community and moving forward with fulfilling those needs.
While there was a proposal to establish an interest group for this topic within the forum thereby eliminating the need to attend large, face-to-face meetings, the participants choose to retain the User Services WG.
Preliminary Charter
As defined by the WG Chairs in a conference call in September,
the charters for the WGs will more closely resemble a mission statement. Goals, objectives and milestones for the WGs will be outlined in a separate document.
The following is a preliminary charter proposed by those in attendance at the conference.
Foster a common understanding of user and support staff requirements in a grid environment, act as a venue for sharing resources and facilitate communication for grid activities between users and support staff and developers.
Further refinement of the mission statement has been left to be done through e-mail.
Proposed First Year Goals
Quite a "laundry list" of tasks were collected:
* Identify services required by users to effectively use grid
infrastructure and environments
* Identify tools required by staff to support the use of grid
infrastructure, services and environments
* Define requirements and schemas for sharing user support
resources utilizing information infrastructure
* Identify and make available through a clearing house mechanism:
- Important information,
- Documentation,
- Training resources,
- Tools, and
- Other resources for users and support staff utilizing
technology like the Repository in a Box
* Whenever possible, sources of these resources should link back
to user support pages
* Evangelize developing documentation/training content by developers
* Identify user services milestones and needs for supporting user
within the life cycle of grid technology at each stage of development
* Consciousness raising on user and support levels
Due to time constraints this list was not refined or prioritized.
Therefore, choosing the tasks that can be accomplished within a
year, assigning individuals to the tasks and setting milestones
was left to be done either through e-mail and/or subsequent
Goals for February Grid Forum
* Have a finalized charter in place
* Define first year tasks
- Establish priorities
- Set requirements
- Identify task teams
- Have some preliminary work completed
Glenn Bresnahan, Boston University
Jim Ferguson, NLANR/NCSA
Al Gilman, U. of Wisconsin, Trace R&D Center
Sridhar Gullapalli, Globus
Reagan Moore, NPACI/SDSC
George Myers, NASA ARC/Sterling
Satoshi Sekiguchi, Electrotechnical Lab/MITI
Tracey Smith, ASC MSRC/NRC
Steve Quinn, NCSA
Leigh Ann Tanner, NASA ARC/MRJ
John Towns, NCSA
Rita Williams, NASA ARC/MRJ
Please send edits or updates for this working group to virginia@ncsa.uiuc.edu.
Posted November 19, 1999