First Grid Forum Conference
User Services Work Group
June 16 to June 18, 1999 NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, California
June 17 and June 18, Break Out Sessions Co-Chairs: John Towns and Rita Williams
SUMMARY MINUTES Proposed Purpose
As representation from the participating grids was heavily weighted with NASA staff, only a preliminary statement of purpose was entertained. Recognizing that a group dealing with user support issues within a grid environment will not produce standards in the conventional sense of the word, the proposed purpose focuses on providing an aspect of user advocacy to the other Grid Forum work groups.
The proposed purpose for this groups is then:
* Recommend and/or provide input to other related work groups: - infrastructure - wide-area event management - end-to-end performance analysis, specifically metrics - advance reservations - wide-area I/O - security
Again, generating standards in a traditional context will
not be a product of this work group. However, identifying
required user/support services and developing a set
of "rules of engagement" is a critical component to
forming a effective grid environment.
In relation to those functions common to all user services
within and across grids:
- diagnostics
- tracking (user and help-desk/consultants)
- system status
- documentation (web-based)
- training
- consulting services
This working group will provide:
- a set of guidelines for participation
- a checklist of requirements based on these
- an on-going dialogue between user services and
other related work groups
Short Term Goals
* Identify other representatives from other grids
- Possible candidates: Jim Ferguson, NCSA
Jay Boisseau, SDSC
Bill Asbury, ASC
- Poll presenters from remaining grids attending
the forum for interest
* Establish a mail list for User Services Work Group (WG)
* Arrange for BOFs at HPDC-8 Symposium in August
and at SC99 in Portland; arrange a teleconference
for those who cannot attend physically
* What we want to accomplish by:
- HPDC-8 Symposium, August 4-6, Redondo Beach, CA
+ Possibly have a BOF at the symposium, arrange
for teleconference capabilities for those who
will not be able to attend physically
+ Roll up what we've discussed at this meeting
and send a summary to current/potential WG
members via e-mail or post to the Grid Forum
web site
- October Grid Forum in Chicago, IL
+ Build a WG organization and have charter in place
+ Hold WG meetings to move forward with forming
short/long term goals
+ Recruit an individual from each of the other WGs
who will participate in that WG and also provide
a user services perspective; formalize the
flow of information to/from the other WGs
and the User Services WG
* Preliminary Guideline (Grid and inter-Grid)
- Provide directory of support services and define
the required minimum
- Define single point of contact which would
"funnel" support issues to other sites
- Define hours of support coverage
- Publish "resources" to be provided in MDS;
agree upon a "profile" based on individual
site, user & grid needs/availability
See also the PowerPoint page with participants.
Evans Craig, Albuquerque HPC Center Sridhar Gullapalli, Globus Mary Hultquist, NASA ARC/MRJ George Myers, NASA ARC/Sterling Chuck Niggley, NASA ARC/MRJ Judith Utley, NASA ARC/MRJ-ERDC MSRC Rita Williams, NASA ARC/MRJ Bill Zilliox, DoD MSRC/ASC
Please send edits or updates for this working group to
posted 13 December 1999