From F2F 2003/07/29-31 * F2F wrap up # Next F2F will be held Sep 3-4 (Wed, Thu) # **Morning to Evening** (rather than noon to noon). # Decided by majority voting. - For next F2F - Platform Document - Work on Sec.5 assignments - Check for holes in first teleconf after this F2F - (Fred, Andreas) Where to put CMM, and other (don't say "infrastructure") stuff is still not addressed. - Review first draft 2 weeks after this F2F on teleconf - Produce reasonably stable draft of Sec.5 by the teleconf before the next F2F. - Use cases - For GGF9 - Plan to have solid draft of Platform to show people. - Identify 1-2 people from potentially related wg and arrange a discussion with them. - Plan to talk to something like 10 groups, so 3 sessions may have to be dedicated to this. - If no WG exists we have to decide next step, e.g., BoF? - Aim: Come to an agreement on their relation with OGSA and 'their' portion of the Platform document. # Agreed to chop up each OGSA session in 2,3 segments (e.g., 30 # min each) and have a chat with specific groups during that # time. Groups to be decided later. - Initially focus on relations with groups in GGF. - We also have to address other groups, e.g., OASIS, DMTF.