- Slides - intro - several examples of large scale propr. file systems - relationship to grid services - each file == GSH - billions GSHs - structure - management (ACL, VOs) - consistency issues - security issues - good search engine - google style vs yahoo style - example: reliable file system wservice Q: hierarchy exploiting service collections? A: yes Q: problem with notion of lockin and ACL A: is not a requirement but feature C: namespace on underlying (...), namespace should be vary of lower level locking, not on higher level... - additional logical log, but constency must be maintained on lower level C: locks: which level... C: locking is gentleman agreement... --> discussion postponed C: not necessarily hierarchical name space Q: include descriptive attributes? A: yes - proposed charter - different from the www-published one Q: limitations to files as objects? C: no Q: RG or WG? Rather go to WG? A: standardization could be done in WG later research first (requirements) Q: looks like first do survey + use cases. what after? Input into other WGs, or do self standard, or what? A: will be seen later Q: intention to spawn WGs? A: if appropriate Q: relation to DAIS file access work? A: DAIS deals with existing file systems, and relates functionality to that. C: [DAIS:] dais does not take over everything, not as broad, no file system notion. Dais focuses on specific requests to specific files - no issues C: major overlap with replica services, since that is doing mapping - you put organization on top of that. Consistency of both name spaces A: use same handle Q: relation to indexing services? A: purpose of index is search, not directory C: index could be used for name space A: both are orthogonal A: GFS introduces structure Q: metadata: independent from lower level meta data, or their reflection? A: depends on demands (users, applications) C: postpone discussion to group session - charter comments Q: say 'unstructured data' not 'files' C: say 'content repository' not 'file system' (as in Java) C: interested in federatin more than file systems -> rather digital entities Q: also data bases? A: [DAIS]: completely different thing, works much more on internal structure and relations C: vocabulary! C: there is difference between federatin name spaces and federating 'things, file systems' Q: which is intended? A: not only NS. +ACL Q: data in files? A: no! C: still serialization and concurrency issues C: locking dicussion, again postponed... C: federation of NS! C: scope gets tto wide if diverge sources/types A: still same types - string of bits A: ok C: WHY not talk of data sets and only of files? A: more ambitious than needed to gfenerate something useful - milestones C: need standard first, then implementations A: implementations do exist already C: standard (recommnedation) must com from WG C: not fine/complete enough: be more specific A: next slide Q: lifetime to GGF11 A: recharter - relationships: C: add OGSA C: [AD]: - charter: groups is pushing away from charter (ok) - milestones: estimate interest - participation: ok - organization - chair: osamu - secretary: - do it offline TODO - create mailing list TODO - work on documents: see slides - Face to - Volunteers: - contact: Fabrizio Magugliani (SGI): maguglia@sgi.com