ࡱ> BDA5@ 5bjbj22 "8XX,5TVVVVVV$R=zuLLLzxxxLjTxLTx x azV;05hx zzxThis is a charter proposal for the CIM BoF at GGF 5. Charter of the CIM based Grid Information Services Working Group Version 0.3, July 17 2002 NOTE: THIS IS A DRAFT VERSION Administrative Group Name:CIMGRID - CIM based Grid Information Services Working GroupChairs:To be specifiedSecretary:To be specifiedpeople involved by now: Larry Flon ( HYPERLINK "mailto:flon@isi.edu" flon@isi.edu) Peter Gietz ( HYPERLINK "mailto:peter.gietz@daasi.de" Peter Gietz@daasi.de) Mike Helm ( HYPERLINK "mailto:helm@fionn.es.net" helm@fionn.es.net) Carl Kesselman ( HYPERLINK "mailto:calr@isi.edu" carl@isi.edu) Andreas Maier ( HYPERLINK "mailto:MAIERA@de.ibm.com" MAIERA@de.ibm.com) Victor Mihajlovsky ( HYPERLINK "mailto:MIHAJLOV@de.ibm.com" MIHAJLOV@de.ibm.com) Jennifer M. Schopf ( HYPERLINK "mailto:jms@mcs.anl.gov" jms@mcs.anl.go) Adrian Schuur ( HYPERLINK "mailto:SCHUUR@de.ibm.com" SCHUUR@de.ibm.com) Ellen Stokes ( HYPERLINK "mailto:stokese@us.ibm.com" stokese@us.ibm.com)Mailing List:To be set upDescription and objectives Focus and Purpose The CIMGIS working group wants to define a new Grid information model based on the Common Information Model (CIM) that is being standadized by the DMTF ( HYPERLINK "http://www.isi.edu/~flon/cgs-wg/charter/www.dmtf.org" www.dmtf.org). The WG will evaluate whether CIM can be used as a common Grid Information model which would replace the work on Grid Object Specification activity. A common information model is needed as base of interoperability between the object definitions of the different Grid Working Groups. The DMTF CIM is one of the approaches in the industry for enabling the management of real world managed objects that applies the basic structuring and conceptualization techniques of the object-oriented paradigm. CIM is capable of defining all real world managed objects that occur in computer and network environments. CIM consists of a specification that describes a modeling language and syntax for defining real world managed objects, a management schema for real world managed objects, a protocol that encapsulates CIM syntax and schema to provide access to those real world managed objects, and a compliance document for interoperability between vendor implmentations. CIM has cross-platform and cross-vendor support. There are mappings for the CIM definitions to XML and LDAP, which both are core technologies in the frame of Grid computing. There are trends in the OGSA initiative to use CIM. The results of this working group will help in the creation of an interoperable Grid architecture, and will thus have impact on deployment and operations. Since it is work on a meta information model no special security issues will have to be addressed. Goals The group expects that the following goals will be pursued and met: Define a set of resources and their relations that are needed in Grid computing. This would formulate the requirements that Grid computing has in terms of a common information model. Analyse the current CIM standard and determine which parts can be used to map the resources required. This work is sort of a CIM profile for Grid computing. Such a profile especially defines the schema that should be supported by OGSA. This work also determines which resources required in grid computing are not yet standardized in CIM. Specify a GGF CIM Style guide that introduces the Grid community into CIM and shows how new CIM classes should be specified and how mappings of these specifications should be made into XML and LDAP. Produce or help other Working Groups to produce CIM specifications of not yet standardized classes. Currently the following entities are seen to be needed to be specified: extensions to or redefinition of the Cluster model queueing system information time stamping for soft-state timeout Li ! " = > i j   . / A B c d p q   & ' K L Z [ l m     ' ( vxdf h?QJ h?0Jjh?Uh?CJaJ h?5\h?V6w  ! Wkd$$If0! !634ap$Ifgd?gd?gd?gd? 5! " - = > ] KC$IfWkd$$If0! !634ap$IfWkd$$If0! !634ap    , > KFAgd?gd?Wkd$$If0! !634ap$IfWkd$$If0! !634ap> Fvd,J-...//600:11^4d5^gd?^gd?gd?gd?gd?,J-L-....////608000:1<11124^4`45U h?QJh?aise with the DMTF and promote CIM definitions made in the GGF to the DMTF for adoption in their standards. In addition, the group may pursue the following goals: Exploring the possible use of evolving CIM based Open Source software in Grid computing. Presenting the results of the WG to the other Grid Working Groups. Milestones Month 1: establishment of Website and Mailing list Month 3: first Draft document on information model requirements finished Month 6: first Draft document on CIM profile for OGSA finished Month 7: first Draft of CIMGRID style quide finished Month 10: first Draft of an exemplary CIMGRID specification finished Month 13: final document on information model requirements finished Month 16: final documents on CIM profile and CIM style guide finished Month 18: final document on exemplary CIMGRID specification finished and submitted to GGF recommendation procedure and to DMTF Website To be set up d5t55gd?gd? 1h/ =!"#$%~$$If!vh5N 5#vN #v:V 6,534p~$$If!vh5N 5#vN #v:V 6,534p~$$If!vh5N 5#vN #v:V 6,534p~$$If!vh5N 5#vN #v:V 6,534p~$$If!vh5N 5#vN #v:V 6,534p@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH R`R ? Heading 1dd@&[$\$5CJ0KH$\aJ0N`"N ? Heading 2dd@&[$\$5CJ$\aJ$N`2N ? Heading 3dd@&[$\$5CJ\aJDA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No ListB^`B ? Normal (Web)dd[$\$4U`4 ? 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