5.1.3 ChangeActivityStatus operation This operation provides a way to request simple transfers between states of jobs being processed and corresponding actions. Input ActivityStatusType OldStatus: Description of the state which the job is supposed to be in during execution of this request. If the current state of the job is different from the one having been given, the operation is aborted and a InvalidRequestMessageFault is returned. This parameter is optional. ActivityStatusType NewStatus: Description of the state that the job is to be put into. On result of this command, the job should be put into the requested state. If such a procedure cannot be performed immediately then the corresponding sequence is initiated and fault OperationWillBeAppliedEventuallyFault will be returned. any element may be used for providing implementation specific information needed for for changing status of activity. Such information should not be required unless requesting change to implementation specific state which is not defined in GINProfile. If such information is needed and is missing in request then InvalidRequestMessageFault is returned with proper human-readable description of problem. Output(s) ActivityStatusType NewStatus: Description of the current state of the job. Fault(s) NotAuthorizedFault: Indicates that client is not allowed to do this operation. InvalidActivityIdentifierFault: There is no such job/activity. CantApplyOperationToCurrentStateFault: Requested transition is not possible. InvalidRequestMessageFault: OldStatus is not same as current state of activity or some other element of request has incorrect value. Incomplete XML schema for ChangeActivityStatus operation