Dejan Kojo Jun Steve - Quick update from GGF10 (Dejan) - Update on the progress of the Foundation document (Dejan) Dejan has a list of small topics to change. - Update on the progress of the SF-based language spec (Steve) Dejan has a list of small topics to send to steve for changes DM proposed getting docs ready for next week; have a discussion on the topic next wed. Documents to be ready by end of day monday. (timezone of author) - Individual status on the updates of relationship to other groups (Various owners) -Kojo sent his mail -steve emailed his -Dejan to talk to Jim (GRAAP) very soon. - Update and plans for the basic service spec (Kojo) Kojo: three scenarios -one used by the PE team. End of april. : agreement on diagram showing how things interrelate. No plan to prototype anything before GGF11, but we can plan to this afterwards. Discussion on coding. Jun is going to get involved. Steve is willing too. We'd need to stub out behaviours. Perhaps not even implement the language, just parse the language. DM has concerns that PE is primarily talking at meetings, he wants to see them delivering more and getting better involved with us. - Update and plans for the Component model spec (Stuart) (stuart was absent, so discussion delayed till next week) AOB: Discussion on calculation of resource needs -what dependencies are. CDDLM will need to tell Resources what is needed as it expands the deployment descriptors. (thought: probably the best metric of what is needed is what was needed last time when a system was in a stable state (not startup, shutdown, peak load). So if the monitoring infrastructure can remember what resources were needed on previous executions, you could roll out those resources to begin with, then ramp them down or up depending on what the SLA monitoring felt was needed)