SLT= Be need to be able to describe the Terms. Terms for BES/ ByteIO WS-AG and JSDL may come into play. Specify to factory like operations. CreateActivity (JSDL, deadline, cost) Not parameters. Dreatefile (ByteI/O )("Cost,size, ) read SLAs != Write Performance.. Specify Trade-offs esp. cost vs x. Agree to terms. Implement Service = Out of scope OGSA BES has taken out a long time. this is not in the scope Implementation definitely out of scope. Some of the deadline scope already exists such as Maui. Should we start the OGSA design team? Byte I/O Posix file IO like BES container JSDL based JOb service? Reliablitiy Probaility that the system will operate Availability Confidentiality... (MTTF)/(MTTF+MTTR) Dependability Document = misnomer timeslots/default section/operation name = foo read dependability = 100% write operation could have less availability Missing Tradeoffs. Users are not willing for failure.. THe only question one could ask is How much are you willing to pay?(or Painfullness eg. Go to a site to complain) Users' requirements are infinite. =>Abandone this approach. Adopt the MacDonalds Model Just give the users a finite no. of choices. "Gold"=100 "Silver" = 80 "Bronze"= 30 (How do you define them?) Powers of threes. (You may want to differentiate in space) Gold in CPU Silever in Space.. OGSA BES is piece Specify Deadline (BES is HPC Profile type) Value function as function of time Probaility it will completewithin the deadline How much you are willing to pay Confidentiality requirements exec BES Resources are serially reusable resources. **Can we use low quality resoures to realize High quality services Is it time for OGSA to look into these issues? Philipp WIeder : Do we want a gerneral purpose BES/ByteIO? seems too large Mark MOrgan: Tie down to realistic usecases. Philipp: Do you have use case scenario? => Andrew/Marvin For BES Yes. ** ByteIO/ could be very complex... Zieschan from ** in Sweden: Yes, we need real usecases. Start with the usecases. Who is willing to be in the design team? Many phone calls, resulting in Profiles, etc. What it means to be in OGSA? (Attend phone calls.) We need to define Terms. Essentially define schemas to DSL engines. Someone: Have looked into WS-Policy? Ws-AG is also looking... Toshi Nakata/Wolfgang: WS-AG can contribute when terms are defined. Omer Rana: Paul Strong sent emails about service deployment terms. What do you mean by defining terms? Really nail down what people mean by Availability by Just do Byte/IO and BES Volunteers: Zeeshan Shah PDC / Hugo Mills OMII-UK / Mark MOrgan / Andrew Yamin: Time is right for defining terms. WS-AG is trying to define common terms. GSA is also looking into this. WG or design team? Start as Design Team and if promising then go to the GFSG. At least have two (BES Byte?IO so that we are not narrowed down too much.) You can exploit something similar and also see what are not similar. BES is almost complete. Should we have Design Teams => Yes. One/Two specs? => Design Teams' Job to decide. Volunteers are needed. If other teams are doing this, then should reach into other WGs. Get a phone slot. Multiple Slots? BES is much easier than ByteIO because ByteIO has more consistent. Omer:It might be interesting to do a survey. Lots of literature out there. Yamin: How do the design team work? OGSA ML itself doesn't seem to have enough context. Andrew: Can start a ML but prefer to have it reflected in OGSA ML so that people can monitor. We'll think of something.. Get the implementations out. One or Two.